Cultural Self-Awareness Can Improve Cultural Intelligence

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This essay is a critical reflection exploring how cultural self-awareness is important, and how and why development of cultural self-awareness can improve cultural intelligence. Cultural self-awareness combined with cultural intelligence provides us with a foundation from which we meaningfully engage with others. Reflection of how important cultural self-awareness is, and how its development may lead to increased cultural intelligence. I will explore the concepts covered in the readings and compare them with my own personal experiences.

Understanding what cultural self-awareness and cultural intelligence means and their place in our interactions, is key to successfully employing them. Spencer-Oatey (2012) determines that culture is difficult to define. Despite this distinction, …show more content…

Interacting with cultures separate to our own presents unique challenges and rewards (Quappe & Cantatore, 2005; Russell, 2011). When I visited Finland at the start of the year, I discovered I had to be conscious of my use of humour in everyday conversation. In Australia, among friends, I would casually resort to facetious jocular remarks in a conversation. I found that among those I had come to visit, these remarks casual remarks were initially taken with slight offence. Quappe & Cantatore (2005) would consider this as a misinterpretation due to lack of awareness of localised behavioural rules. Many months after returning home I found that I had maintained the trait of being more selective of the words spoken and subsequently had inadvertently incorporated this behavioural pattern. Ferraro (1998), as stated in Spencer-Oatey (2012), describes this sharing and adoption of cultural traits as cultural diffusion. This cultural understanding of practices in varying cultures is described as cultural intelligence in Brislin, et al

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