Cultural Code-Switching: Straddling The Achievement Gap By Jennifer Morton

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The article I chose to research is entitled Cultural Code-Switching: Straddling the Achievement Gap by Jennifer Morton. It was published in September 2014 and placed in the journal of political philosophy, with regards to education as well. The goal of the article was to point out the inequality that comes with the educational achievement gap and how to begin to fix the issue that has arisen. Morton explains that political, institutional, and structural factors lead to the segregation of poverty in minority communities because of their lack of access to educational and health service, reliable public transportation, and job (Morton 275). Morton recognizes that the achievement gap goes much deeper than the education realm and she believes However, the students that are on the lower end of the achievement gap are caught between being members of a disadvantaged community and aspiring to be a part of the middle class. This causes them to have to adapt to the communities that they are a part of. This act of adapting to the difference in normative expectations is what Morton refers to as “straddling the gap” or “code switching”. These students not only have to navigate differences in language and dress codes but they have to switch dispositions to ones that are unfamiliar to them, which can come into conflict with those at home (Morton 276). There are benefits to the code-switching that these students do. For example, multicultural societies are characterized by the intermingling of cultural communities and the students who belong to different communities have the greatest position to help new relationships form between them (Morton 277). However, educational systems are being used to potentially alienate the students from their communities values and relationships in order to form them for a labor market. Morton believes that “whether educational institutions are justified in undertaking the task of rectifying this injustice by shaping a However, she points the fact that for many students, code-switching is a necessity born of unjust socio-economic conditions. That is to say that there are some students and citizens that don’t have a choice to code-switch or not if they wish to rise in the socio-economic class. Although the ability to encourage students to code-switch in their educational realms seems to be the remedy for the achievement gap, it can be dangerous. If the students engages in compartmentalization of their cultures, it shields their behavior and is easily swayed by the demands of the job market, even if the beliefs and customs of the job markets do not line up with the values of the home (Morton

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