Inequality In The American Education System

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A ridiculous amount of children in the world complain about needing to go to school, but imagine the countless number of kids having to work just so they could get the education that many people take for granted. Every student should be able to have the preparation to succeed as they face the obstacles of the world. These situations are analyzed in the articles “What Will Decrease Educational Inequality” by Adam Gamoran, and “Inequality in the American Education System” by William H. Schmidt. Articles such as these discuss the fact that due to many unfair factors that need to be eradicated, the student's ability to succeed in life hinders, stopping them from reaching their maximum potential. Unfortunately, as long as social injustice still …show more content…

Education is an essential part to thriving in society but, “the ultimate test of educational system is whether it makes sure that every student, whatever their background, is exposed to the content they need to compete in today’s society” (Schmidt, 1). Evidently, the test is not going well. Students are restrained from getting the entire education that they deserve because of factors such as their family, occupational status and environment. Due to the government and educators unable to reach some parts of the world, people who are not shown the material to thrive in society would inevitably struggle to live in the world. As such situations start to accumulate, the gap between the people who are born into the environment of education and ones who are not starts to widen. In order to fix such problems, we must introduce material to all and also tax wealthier more while taxing poor less. Instead of segregating each group, blend them together by improving environments for all students to thrive. Social inequality is creating the an unrighteous system where children throughout the world are not getting preparation to do well in life and as a society, all citizens must face the unjustified problems of inequality in order to establish a more prosperous …show more content…

Being unable to the finance themselves, children must divert most of their attention, not on studies, but to the most bare essentials such as living, leading them to a life of destitution. This continues to go through family lines as the cycle of lack of education traps generations to come. The basic rights to a great education should not at all be restricted and based off of luck but be available for all who choose to. By providing resources for poor communities from taxing the rich more and the destitute less, it creates the goal of equality easier. Students, because of circumstances, are not able to reach their full potential and therefore becomes a wasted life that could have been revolutional. Evidently, society must stop taking education for granted and provide for the countless amounts of dedicated students working everyday tirelessly to hopefully pave better paths for their future

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