Cultural Artifact Speech: 2012 Los Angeles Marathon

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Cultural Artifact Speech Outline

I. Introduction

A. Attention getter: In 2011 my friends and I decided to run for fun and also train for the upcoming 2012 Los Angeles Marathon. There were over 22,000 participants from all over the world running that day.

B. Revealed object: The object I brought is the 2012 Los Angeles Marathon medal. The medal represents completion of the race within the allotted time.

C. Speaker credibility: I have participated in many races including three Los Angeles Marathons and have completed all of them.

D. Thesis: This speech is about running, and how it can be fun.

E. Preview of main points: This speech will show how the medal is a representation of the running culture and what the medal means to me.

II. …show more content…

A medal serves as a representation of the running culture because after completing a race you get a medal. It is your reward for running. Medals are a huge part of the running culture because runners pride themselves with their medals and usually have them up for display.

B. Why I identify with this culture

1. My involvement in the running culture began in late 2011 when I was fourteen years old. My friends and I decided to run and train for the Los Angeles Marathon. We did it for fun and ran after school and during the weekends. We would go to the beach and run as well as on trails. In 2012 we ran the Los Angeles Marathon and had a great time. The people from the running culture have a lot of fun; there are many groups of people who run including the LA roadrunners. This group who trains anyone who is willing to run; all walks of life are welcomed to participate.

2. The medal represents fun times with my friends. It holds a lot of memories of us running on the beach while it was raining. The medal also represents a lot of hard work and dedication, in order to run this we trained for a couple of months. A running quote that resonates with me is “Go fast enough to get there, but slow enough to see” by Jimmy Buffett. This quote is basis for us beginning to run, we always enjoyed ourselves, we never had tunnel vision and only focused on running, we focused on having fun with each

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