History of Critical Success Factors
The term Critical Success Factor (CSF) was introduced in a Harvard Business Review article entitled "Chief Executives Define Their Own Data Needs" (Bullen, Rockart 1981). This Critical Success Factor (CSF) method, which has since gained acclaim and usage in strategy, drew from earlier work by other authors Aristotle, Von Clausewitz, Drucker, Pareto, Daniels, and others. CSF was initially developed for the Information Systems (IS) world to help identify the key information needs in project management. Over time, this evolved to CSF becoming a management tool to identify and define management priorities.
What is CSF?
As the use of CSF has evolved from IS to strategy, several related definitions have emerged.
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Building/Monitoring/Benchmarking CSF This categorisation is often used in combination with the above. A building CSF is one that the organisation has a fair degree of control over and can build to achieve objectives. Alternately, an organisation has little or no influence over a monitoring CSF. Examples of the former are Technology Leadership or New Skills Acquisition while an example of the latter is interest rates in banking. (Bullen and Rockart 1986)
Strategic/Tactical CSF
The other dimension examined in literature similar to the above is the organisational level at which the CSF is managed. Strategic CSFs are usually managed by senior management and are long term in nature; Tactical are short term, related to resource allocation and are usually managed by middle level management. To be successful, CSFs need to be a combination of both. (Esteves, 2004)
Perceived versus Actual
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