Creswell Validity

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Creswell (2002) has explained different perspectives of validity, from the use of use of qualitative equivalent to their quantitative pars in experimental and survey research (LeCompte & Goetz, 1982) to the use of a metaphorical form of validity as a crystal (Richardson & St. Pierre, 2005). Even if some researches do not prioritize the use of validation in their studies, like Wolcott (1990), for the purposes of this research, instead of focusing into a single perspective, we will focus on their strategies.
Creswell and Miller (2000) suggest eight different strategies for validity. This research utilized four of them; triangulation, peer review, member checking and the use of external audits. For example, for triangulation (Fielding …show more content…

First, it was normal for me since I thought they would only help them with information about the different types of universities, tests, visas and costs. However, these agencies, which are profit, are also in charge of other activities. For example, writing personal statements and resumes. I personally considered that plagiarism. However, I decided not to take any action since my main goal was to conduct the research and understand their motivators. As Ary, Jacobs & Razavieh, (2002) stated, I had to think again what was my main role and goal when learning this information and decide what to do. Unlike Bourgois’ (1991) study, this took place in an American university in the U.S. where the feasibility of research relations, access and data collection with the participants was covered without any political and historical constraints. Overall, I covered the most relevant ethics codes, suggested by the American Anthropological Association (, when doing qualitative research. For example, all my participants signed an informed consent form, which explains my research and goals, and they kept a copy of it. Moreover, I have ensured the protection of records, transcripts and other materials that revealed information about my participants and their identity.

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