Creative Writing: Woodbury County Fair

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“Hurry up!” Sam blared to his brother Max. The duo raced towards the gathering crowd. Today was the Woodbury County Fair and Sam did not want to miss it. As they thrust through to the front of the crowd they heard the loudspeaker click on, “The race tickets will be available in fifteen minutes, fifteen minutes.” As one of Sam’s favorite things to do at the fair was watch the race and rides, Sam was excited. As the day continued on with a very sporadic schedule, Sam had surprisingly won first place in a couple of categories with his extremely realistic car model, earning twenty to thirty dollars! By two pm, Sam was so tired that he felt he was going to feint right there on the sidewalk! It was only his shoes and excitement for the race that kept him going, that and his shoes were saying, “Keep going Sam, the race is awaiting you, go Sam, exhaustion will not overcome you!” At least it was time for the race, as Sam walked up to the track with Max, he heard, BANG! VROOM! CLASH! CLASH! As Sam and Max sat down in the front most row, he realized Max was cheering for the opposite racer. Sam was so distracted, he sat down in a sopping wet chair, he was watching the intensifying race, scrutinizing each racer. Sam was still exhausted, …show more content…

In his excitement, Sam tripped, as he stumbled, he saw his revolting destination. In front of him was a mud hole, Sam’s face hit the mud hole with excruciating force, feeling like his face had taken a belly flop! As he wiped mud from his eyes with disgust, he heard his brother loudly pronounce, “You are going to be in big trouble when you get home!” For days after his embarrassing experience his brother was still laughing, “When you got home, mom made you as clean as a

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