Creating a Teenage Magazine

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Creating a Teenage Magazine

My design brief for this project was to create a teenage magazine to

include the front cover, a double page spread and one other page of

your choice. The magazine must have a clear target audience within

the age of 13-19 containing at least 3 orignal image . I will be

assessed on these three components which are planning (30 marks),

construction ( 60 marks) and a production report ( 30 marks). it will

be appealing towards a mass audience.

At an early stage I was carefully looking at the whole projects

created by other students in the past to give me an idea of what sort

of project is all about. Then we were asked to do an action plan which

help us to meet our deadline and also gives us guidance and

organisation each part is taken in order to complete the project with

consulting my tutor with practical consideration also to be put into

an account.

The next stage is was gathering ideas with a typical brainstorms

ideas which will is the first step to creation of which area you are

particularly interested to create a magazine that is suitable for

teenagers. As I am a teenager I looked at different types of magazine

such as sports, music, movies, cars, celebrities, fashion and beauty,

and computer games magazine and researched existing magazine that was

popular in each category for example a movie magazine you would find

in your local newsagent is either Empire or Total film, or a fashion

and beauty magazine such as cosmopolitan or sugar. I also did

brainstorming on target audience, what gender I’m particular

concentrating on like will my magazine will be for girls or boys, and

what age of tee...

... middle of paper ... type of magazine monthly and the it would cost around

£3.00. one thing I didn’t mange to meet my aim was potential

advertising, as I didn’t include none on the pages.

Comparing my magazine to the real thing, I would say it kind of

similar, especially with the layouts of each pages, but my magazine

seems to be more unique especially with style of my

typography,”Teen-Premiere,” the different background used for each

page.but I did include the important information that applies to all

type of magazine which is the price, date, issue number, the barcode

and the page number which is inside the magazine. The production was a

pleasing result as I received good reaction from people who have added

comments towards my magazine and helped me to be confident about the

way my pages looked, and it turned out to be successful.

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