Counterproductive Response

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Take Criticism

My science teacher assigned to create a project on plants in science class and was determined to put determination in it and give the teacher an idea of my determination. I didn’t start until a week later because I was planning my ideas, and on the day before the due date, after a lot of time on my work, I finally finished. I still needed some work like a chart or two, or three, or five, or fifteen but no worries. However, when I turned it in, I was skeptical of my results. I didn’t get an A, or a B, or even a C, but instead, I got a sad face on an astronomical F. I looked at the reason why and found this: You need to put in more effort. Without a doubt, I only spent two minutes on my project …show more content…

For criticism, these concerns will worsen in the future and considering the fact that the phobia of negative feedback is barely abating, the potential increase of this fear will cause the peer-review system, which lives with criticism, turn counterproductive because of this fear. The technological success of our human society will turn into entropy because of new ideas of revolutionary technology will have a higher chance to deteriorate it’s purpose . So after all of that, we must develop a solution. If you are in a fearful state of criticism, Psychology Today May 24, 2014, and Forbes Magazine June 8, 2016, suggests changing your overall image on criticism and use the new image in your mind if you are critiquing. How do you change the overall image? By understanding the benefits and balance of criticism. For example a quote from Van Morrison, a popular singer, which states "Most of the criticism I have received over the years has been very good" Another great example is LeBron James, a famous NBA player, who once said,"I like criticism. It makes you strong." Nevertheless, Nature creates the judgmental person to reveal our blind spots so we can make the necessary changes. Ultimately, we cannot solve this issue showing studies disproving the consensus. The reality is that the change starts with you. Read these tips on overcoming the fear, and soon, it will activate a chain

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