Cons Of Women In Sport Research Paper

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Women and Sport
Pros and Cons
Women and sport have been a highly trivialised subject over the last century, while women have recently established more dominance in sport, gaining increasing popularity for their teams and demonstrating their abilities competitively worldwide, many women in sport are still highly objectified and dismissed as lesser athletes to men.
The positives and negatives of women in sport are rather meshed together. While women do just as well competitively in sport as men, there is a considerably smaller base of viewers actively watching televised female sport than male sport. This could very well be due to the lack of availability of free to view women’s sport on television or to lack of publicity and advertising but unfortunately it still stands that the sports industry is rather misogynistic, with the majority of fans
National Women's Cricket team celebrating a win. …show more content…

Billie Jean King, a female tennis player, defeated the famed Bobby Riggs with an audience of over 90 million. This helped prove to America and the rest of the world the talent and strength that our female athletes posses, and that in some cases, they can match the strength of men.

Fanny Durak (right), first Australian woman to participate in the Olympics and to win a gold medal, both in the 1912 Stockholm Olympics. b Although the inequality gap is lessening, women's sport coverage is still a major issue today. In total, commercial television coverage of women's sport is 2%, while men's sport is around 60%. High media coverage is very important for all athletes as it allows them to obtain sponsorships, fans and fame. Women only started to compete in all the sports offered in the Olympics in 2012, with the creation of the women's boxing tournament.

In the past, much progress has been made for women's representation in sport - but there is still a long way to

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