Persuasive Essay On Women In Sports

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Today more than any other time period, equality has become a hot topic for discussion. One of the major topic is, should women be allowed to compete with men in sports on the same or opposing teams. Due to a lot of differences in physical characteristics, sporting interest, and economic considerations; it’s not a good idea to bring teams consisting of both genders together. To begin with, we have to question whether there’s even a want from the general public for girls being allowed to play on boys’ sports teams. Very few athletes in sports are barely even bothered about the fact women can’t play on male sport teams. If there’s no true desire to combine the teams, it only makes sense to not try a force unneeded change. There’s also a substantial …show more content…

At the peak, female players and sports has little publicity and smaller crowds. The general public has little to no desire to partake in female sports. This isn’t about equality. It’s about what people want to see and they want to see all-male teams perform at the highest level.Teams would struggle to coexist with women in the same organisation. For example, they would have to invest in private changing and shower areas. Small team organizations couldn’t maintain sufficient funds to accommodate this. Take into consideration, at the professional level where players usually earn millions every year with extensive contracts, females might have to take a leave of absence from 9 months to however long to raise and care to a new-born. Which is normally the length of a season or long enough to cause a big impact in their careers. In female sports there would be other female players to cover another for maternity leave, but if it were mixed up with male sports, over time general managers would start to sign extensive contracts to males and short ones to females due to longevity of careers. Taking in all the aspects about biology, economy, and desire into perspective there’s no validating reason why any team consisting of men and women would be better off than having separate teams. It would fulfill the much seeked out desire for equal rights, but we must not ignore the basic deviations that make women and men so

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