Conditioning In Brave New World, By Aldous Huxley

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In the novel Brave New World by Aldous Huxley the idea of conditioning people and the predestination of their lives is prominent. Today, many believe that they choose their own life path, however, there are many external forces acting upon us that form our personality and condition us to act a certain way. These forces can be anything from parents and teachers guiding you towards a better life or advertisements guiding you towards buying their product. These types of conditioning are more subtle than those in Brave New World, however, the conditioning in our lives still has lasting effects and can control our lives. Advertisements are a business’ way of conditioning us to buy their product, this is done through subliminal messages, associating …show more content…

Through religion people are conditioned to follow a certain moral code and basic lifestyle. Some are born into a certain religious practice and are conditioned by their parents, this is very common and often leads to rebellion from kids. In my life I was raised Jewish and fairly religious, I was taught to follow certain rules and these ideas were rooted when I transferred to DJDS. The religion aided me in forming the morals I believe in and formed my personality over years of practice. In the novel religion only exists in the savage reservation and is a completely foreign idea to anyone that was conditioned. This is shown in the book when the director talked about why religion is not a part of their society, “Call it the fault of civilization. God isn’t compatible with machinery and scientific medicine and universal happiness. You must make your choice. Our civilization has chosen machinery and medicine and happiness” (page 234). In Huxley’s world children are conditioned to not have faith in a deity and just live their lives based off of what they were conditioned to believe. Religious conditioning is one of the most prominent forms in the modern world and plays a major role in our

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