A Brave New World Quote Analysis

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Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, explores many ideas of radical behavioral conditioning which we do not see today in the forms he discusses. However, we do tend to see different types of conditioning on much lower social levels than described. An interesting idea explored by both the scientific and secular world is that both “Classical as well as Pavlovian conditioning styles both rely on the two key factors of the elapsed time between the beginning of the first and second stimulus, and the order in which the subject material is presented (“Classical Conditioning”). Through the examples of behavioral conditioning in A Brave New World, it is made known to us how conditioning of any form plays such vital role in the development, …show more content…

Often times conditioning is used in a therapeutic way in order to change old habits into healthier habits. A superb example of this would be someone of negative habits being taught that said habit is immoral or socially unappealing which in turn would change the individual’s mindset to think of this habit as appalling thus rewiring his brain to stop the tendency. Likewise certain conditioning habits at a young age is extraordinarily beneficial teaching the child that unacceptable behaviors are both socially and morally unacceptable. This positive conditioning gives the child proper development skills necessary for everyday life to …show more content…

It is often used to conduct a widespread “brainwashing” process in which either the government or radical groups indoctrinate various groups of people to believe certain ideas and in certain aspects commit appauling acts they believe to be for the good of the people. Often times they teach their followers to commit horrid/ unnatural acts which are violent and often times widespread chaos making them believe this is the only way that society can function. If negative habits are instilled during childhood or even adolescents, the individual will develop with negligent and often violent behavioral issues. This style of life often leaves the child to end up unemployed or in prison setting up the child for failure for the rest of their life. With this type of development this leaves the child to live a life of poverty and criminal activity as this is the only form of placement they can find. They will often end up not identifying with the mass public of family and children and stick to the loose lifestyle often found in gangs and other criminal

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