Components of Physical Fitness Which are Important for a Badminton

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Components of Physical Fitness Which are Important for a Badminton


Physical Fitness is important in any sport. It relates to the

following areas:

· Speed

· Reaction time

· Co-ordination

· Balance

· Power

· Agility

· Strength

· Flexibility


Badminton at times can be a particularly fast sport and therefore

speed is often important for a badminton player. Players often are

able to work at high speed for short burst (e.g. when coming into the

net to retrieve a net shot from the back of the court) but may also

have to have a good aerobic fitness in order to continue with long


Reaction time

Reaction time is the time it takes from the presentation of the

stimulus to your very first movement in response to the stimuli.

Reaction times of badminton players are often exceedingly fast as it

is crucial for a top level player to be able to react to fast shots by

their opponents. This is particularly true for the return of the smash

as the shuttle can go up to speeds way over 100miles per hour during a

smash and therefore there is very little time to adjust to a smash

from your opponent.

As well as having an overall good reaction time a high quality

badminton player will have a good choice reaction time. This relates

to the time it takes to choose which stimuli to respond to (from

several stimulus) and how to respond, and is important in badminton

when responding to a smash as the badminton player has to respond to

both the shuttle and the movement of his opponents in order to decide

a suitable shoot in return to the smash.

Coordination and balance

These are also important for a quality player in order to maintain

high speeds round the badminton court and in order to move the body

into the correct position for the shot. Dynamic balance is important

so that the player can successfully move round without injuring

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