My Personal Strengths and Weaknesses in Netball

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From observing myself in a game situation these are what I consider

are my strengths and weaknesses for Netball and why I think each one

is a strength or weakness.



> Shooting

> Shoulder Pass

> Bounce Pass

> Chest Pass

> Pivoting

> Footwork

> High-running Pass

> Reaction Time

> Agility

> Speed


Strength 1: Shooting is one of my strengths as I think I perform it

correctly. By correctly I mean having a balanced position (standing

with my feet shoulder width apart and keeping my body straight),

holding the ball above my head (so that the ball is resting on the

tips of my fingers and my thumbs form a W shape), bending my knees as

if I’m about to jump (this is where the power for the shot comes

from), letting the energy flow from my feet to my hands, keeping my

back straight and my head up, focusing on the back of the ring rather

than the front (this is because if the shot is short and it hits the

back it should still fall in), letting the ball go at the same time as

I straighten my legs, moving my arms as little as possible, releasing

the ball with a spin by flicking my wrists and finally if the ball

doesn’t go in preparing myself for the rebound. By shooting like this

I am more accurate at shooting and therefore score more goals. From

observing myself, when I shoot I make it look effortless and I think

my shooting is consistent. I think I play better when I’m in an attack

position because when I play defence I find it really hard to gain

possession of the ball, intercept the passes and mark the ball.

Strength 2: Shoulder pass is one of my strengths and I think I perf...

... middle of paper ... the wall the person without the

ball has to turn around quickly to receive the ball once it has

rebounded off the wall and catch it. The more practice the person has

the quicker the person will react and to catch the ball.

Practice 3 is kind of similar to the previous one. One person faces

the wall and the other person stands behind them with the ball (about

a metre behind). The feeder throws the ball against the wall and the

receiver has to catch it quickly.

Weakness 5: Speed can be improved by doing shuttle runs. Shuttle runs

are where you run a short distance for a certain period of time. So

for netball a person will run from the back line of the court to the

end of the first third and back again for a number of times and then

will increase the amount of times they run per session to progress

their speed.

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