Comparing Used Cars and Men

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I have been single for most of my life. I have dated a few guys but never really found what I was looking for. So I thought about it, what do I really want in a man? What kind of future husband do I want? I desire a wide selection, with many options for each man. After thinking about it, I realized that my future husband is a lot like a used car.

First of all, like a car, I want to pick where he comes from. I can have my pick of a guy from here in America or a foreign guy with exotic flavor. This way I know what type of background he has. Not only can I choose where my guy is from, I can also pick what he looks like, much like the color and design of a car. The colors of a car are like a man's hair and eye color. I can have a suave, dark-haired, brown-eyed man, or fun, light-haired, blue eyed type of guy. The design of a car is a lot like a man's body. I have my pick from big, strong masculine ones or those with a small, petite frame. A really good thing about buying a used car is that I can choose its age. I would get a young, hip, and fresh one as opposed to an old classic, just like the youthful type of guy I am searching for. My favorite part of it is that I can take my time and peruse the car lot looking through everything to see what suits me best.

After choosing the car I want, I have to select the accessories I want included. This is much like taking a man shopping so I can personalize him while also giving him an opportunity to get to know me. I need a car with a state-of-the-art security system that includes flashing lights and obnoxious noises when somebody rubs it the wrong way. This feature is essential, as it will scare others away when they are getting too close and personal with my car. I need my man to be like this, protective of me and not interested in anyone else. Personalized license plates, seat covers, and rearview mirror decorations also help to show others that the car is owned and off limits. These are similar to giving a guy my picture, a special piece of jewelry, and a small, personal bauble that holds much sentimental value to me.

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