Comparing Two Print Adverts that Advertise Similar Products

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Comparing Two Print Adverts that Advertise Similar Products

The first advert advertises the product ‘Witch Stick’. This is a

natural witch hazel product that comes in a stick form to dab on spots

and problem skin. The product will be bought by people from the age of

13 upwards. Both men and women of all ages, except perhaps the elderly

and young children, suffer from spots at some time, so potentially the

target audience for this product is very wide. However, the use of a

young woman in the advert is probably intended to appeal to teenagers

and young women who spend both time and money on looking after their

skin. The advert shows a young woman’s head and shoulders photographed

with her hair scraped back, without clothes, make-up or accessories.

Her face is divided and shaded dark and light to represent before and

after use of the product. The slogan ‘beats spots with a stick’ is a

pun, play on words. It is hinting at the saying to beat with a stick

but is also referring to beating spots or making them go by using the

witch stick.

The product is called witch stick because it contains natural witch

hazel and comes in a stick form. This is an effective advert and will

convince people to buy it for a number of reasons. The way the advert

is split in half is an eye-catching image and will draw the readers in

to learn more about the product. The suggestion of ‘before and after’

is a very popular idea especially when improvements can be clearly

seen. The woman is beautiful and one part of her face is smooth and

totally free from spots, people seeing this may want the same

complexion and will buy the stick to get it.

I would buy this product because it is easy to apply as it is in a

stick and would be less messy than cream. Also the advert tells me

that it is a natural product.

The other advert I am exploring is Comfort Refresh.

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