Comparing To Autumn and To a Skylark

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Comparing To Autumn and To a Skylark The two poems we have studied this term are 'To Autumn' and ' To a

Skylark'. They use all the tools a writer can use like similes,

metaphors, personification and juxtaposition to create I think, some

of the best pieces of poetry I have read to this date. They are both

crammed full of information and in both, the poets are in awe of what

they are describing. This is a very nice touch as it makes you feel

closer to the poem and therefore you can relate to the feelings that

the poets are feeling as they write these poems. They also use large

amounts of imagery and to great effect to describe their subject

matter and this in turn makes nature seem more uplifted, greater than

we know. Both poems are very compelling and full of description of the

joys of nature.

In both of these poems the main subject matter is nature and in both

poems the

poets romanticise nature to make it seem higher and greater than we

can ever know. In both the poets give a little twist to their subject

matter. Keats does this by making autumn seem a more homely season,

not the season which you would normally associate with rain and

falling leaves, instead he paints a totally different picture by

showing the growing fruits of Autumn, the ripening fruits and the

warmth that

Autumn fills you with. This is also what Shelley does in “To a

Skylark” as he gives the bird an almost spiritual quality "Blithe

Spirit", rather than just describing the animal as he sees it. Instead

of doing this, Shelley almost rises the Skylark above ...

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...aphors, alliteration; “ dying day” and personification; “Aye where

are they?” to get these points across. Personally my favourite part

from both poems is where Shelley says in “ To a Skylark,” “ Singing

hymns unbidden, till the world is wrought to sympathy with hopes and

fears it heeded not.” Here I believe Shelley is trying to make the

point that the Skylark can enlighten the world with it’s spontaneous

songs, and that by singing it is bringing something new to the. Now

this is a very powerful part of the poem as he is sort of saying that

nature is very misunderstood and that it can bring a lot of joy across

the world, which I think is a very true statement. Overall I think

they both portrayed their poems in a very thorough and imaginative way

and I thoroughly enjoyed studying and analysing both


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