Comparing The Song Kiss With A Fist By Florence And The Machine

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The lyrics of the song Kiss with a Fist by Florence and the Machine relate incredibly to Lena and Harold’s rocky relationship in The Joy Luck Club. Although Lena’s marriage isn’t a physically abusive one like the one described in the song, it’s still emotionally and mentally defective. The physical pain detailed in the song is the equivalent of the pain Lena feels in this irresponsive, dull relationship. Lena and Harold’s relationship is based entirely on their attempts to be completely balanced and share everything equally with each other. If they’re dining out, they split the check. If they’re buying groceries, they have separate lists. One lyric in the song says, “You hit me once, I hit you back. You gave a kick, I gave a slap.” This correlates with the story in that their unsuccessful attempts to be “even” and “fair” that end in pain and resentment no matter what. Lena and Harold are trying too hard to save their relationship through the power of equality, but they’re just digging a trench between themselves and growing further and further apart. …show more content…

Your slaps don’t stick, your kicks don’t hit, so, we remain the same.” Lena’s passive character and Harold’s self-absorption both contribute to their distancing from each other (“Your red eye sees nothing.”). They never make any progress in improving their marriage; they merely continue fighting for something that they both want and don’t have (“…so, we remain the

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