Comparing Central Ideas Of Human Rights And Malala's Speech

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Comparison between the Central Ideas of the human Right Article and Malala’s Speech Both the Human Rights Article and the Malala Yousafzai‘s speech have some similarities in how they are written and phrased and the central claim is also similar in both the article and the speech as well. One of the central ideas that is presented in both the article and the speech is that peace can be favored over conflict. There are also quite a few ways that can be compared between the two. ? The main central ideas that the article talking about human rights and Malala’s speech share have to do with the rights of people, peace, and education. ? In both the article and the speech there are similar rhetorical devices used. Some of the rhetorical devices that were used are repetition, historical references, and logos. An example of repetition in both is that they both use repetition when talking about rights or peace. To get people’s attention they back up there claims with historical references and people. Two of the people that is mentioned is Jesus and Muhammad. Some logos that were used in the speech was when she began to talk about how the man got onto the bus and shot her and her friends. In the article it goes into some detail over the right and tells the reader why they are needed. …show more content…

In Malala's speech it expresses how education is useful by saying "The pen is mightier than the sword'. The extremists are afraid of books and pens. The power of education frightens them". In the article is talks about some of the rights that cannot be taken away such as "All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of

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