Compare And Differences Of Foreign Cultures And Greek Art

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Foreign Cultures and Greek Art While walking the Greek Art Section in the Metropolitan Museum, people could easily be captivated by the grandiosity of one Archaic Period sculpture named Kouros(Youth), as you could see in figure 2, a beautiful male nude stone statue. Although it is true that, at the first glance, most people would mistreat this statue as an Egyptian one, for its straight and simple style, which derives from the Sinai Peninsula, this statue is actually from Athen, the center of Greek. Nevertheless, this similarity still arouses people’s curiosities: why and how the Archaic Period Greek statues resembled with the Egyptian one? Is there any other culture also influenced the Greek Art? Thus, this essay is going to discuss how two main foreign cultures: the Egyptian culture and the Ionic culture influenced the Archaic Period Greek Art. According to most Archaic Period Greek statues, it is easy to conclude that the Egyptian Culture influences Greek sculptures in two aspects: the medium that artists used and the style that artists followed. Still, the Kouros statue in the Metropolitan Museum is a perfect example. Like what this essay has conducted earlier, this figure is made of marble, a hard stone. According to the status description …show more content…

Similarly, from the Terracotta amphora and the Marble column, it is easy to conduct that the Ionic culture also had huge influence on the Archaic Period of Greek Art. Therefore, we could prove that the Archaic Period Greek Art is actually a product of two different cultures and the inner creativity of Greek artists. On the other hand, this period of art also gives people some life advise: in order to be successful, it is not only important to gain the advantages of others but also to be creative, and this advise suits not only for an individual but also suits for a society as a

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