Compare And Contrast The Princess Bride

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The princess bride


The biggest difference between the book and the movie, in my opinion, would be the frame story. Goldman start the Novel talking about how he had pneumonia when he was younger and almost died. His father read him the princess bride who was actually written by s, morgensten and it changed his life forever. He talks about how he tried to make his son read it because of how much he loved it but his son disliked the book. He later realized when he read the book himself that only the good parts were read to him by his father. Then he goes on saying how this made him make an abridged version of the original “The princess bride” which consisted of only the good and interesting parts read to him. He finishes his talk …show more content…

Effects – I think that this doesn’t effect the book drastically since the original story was about how the book changed Goldman's life and extra little bits about the struggles to finally make it a movie. It does talk about why the book was so important to Goldman but it really wasn't related to they plot of the princess bride in any way so changing it would have no effect.
I think that the director chose to not include the full frame story in the movie because it would have been confusing for the audience and also because it might take away from the original story of the princess bride. Not to mention the extra time and money to account for the extra scenes.
I personally loved how Goldman made up a whole story about his fake family and him being sick and loving the original book by Morgenstern because it made the whole story more unique and got the readers interested. It was a bit confusing in the beginning because I actually thought that the story was in fact not written by Goldman later realizing that it was just a frame for the story.

Zoo of …show more content…

When in the movie Westely is directly hooked to the machine and killed within 2 days. There are 5 levels of the Zoo of death which are all filled with dangerous animals that the prince kills everyday. After catching Westley and Buttercup he sends Westley to the fifth level and tortures him. In the book igno and fezzik have to fight many animals through the 5 levels of the zoo and then finally rescue the dead Westely. In the movie Westley is thrown in the Pit of despair which makes it much easier for Inigo and Fezzik to go and retrieve him.
This makes the process of rescuing westley very easy and it takes away from the adventure of the zoo of death . It also doesn’t show us more abut Humperdinck's character as he was described as a hunter and this was his playground. This change was very effective because I feel like the zoo of death and the cliffs of insanity were the two most important parts of the novel and the thrill that readers had when reading the chapter was completely gone in the movie. I feel like it was a part the readers were desperately waiting for and later realizing that it wasn't

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