The Hiding Place Quotes

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2) What is the main conflict in the book? Is it external or internal? How is this conflict resolved throughout the course of the book?
In this book, there are two many conflicts. The first is, of course WWII and hiding the Jews from the Nazis which is an external conflict. There was no way that Bestie or Corrie could do anything about the war but they did everything they could for the Jews and their security. They even put a security system in their house and build a false wall that the Jews could hide behind. They were trusting one another with their lives. Second was an internal conflict, Corrie had to learn how to forgive the people that had done wrong to her. She had many people turn her in to the police, betray her, be externally rude, …show more content…

I could hear her soft voice saying it. His timing is perfect. His will is our hiding place. Lord Jesus, keep me in Your will! Don’t let me go mad by poking about outside it.” I like this quote so much because it makes the title of the book have a different meaning. Throughout the whole book I thought the “Hiding place was the Beje, their home, because they were hiding Jews there. Or maybe it was the organization the Corrie Ten Boom was leader of. When I read that, it brought the whole book together. Without that simple paragraph, the book would lose a whole level of …show more content…

In the movie, they missed things or changed parts, but they also quoted the book quiet a lot and make the story more a like. Most of the most important parts were in the movie. They missed one of the camps that Corrie was sent to and the didn’t show much of the 100th year party of the watch shop besides a picture. I liked the book way more than the movie because the book had more detail and made you understand what that part of WWII was like more than the movie does. In the book Corrie is learning how to have more faith and trust in God more but in the movie, she had a lot of faith the whole time and she didn’t struggle with that as much. I enjoyed reading about that because it made me feel like I’m not the only one that struggles.

14)What do you know about the author? What was his or her purpose on writing the book.
The author of “The Hiding Place” was also the main character, Corrie Ten Boom. She was writing her own experiences through the war and documenting that section of her life. She wrote this book to show what it was honestly like for Jews and people helping Jews during the war. Some of history around what happened to the Jews was covered up, but slowly everyone has collectively uncovered it and made it known. This book was a part of uncovering the truth. It also taught many people what happened without being too gruesome. With the

15) Should this book be required reading for all ninth graders? Explain.

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