Compare And Contrast Sex And Virginity

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For years, people’s definition of ‘sex’ and ‘virginity’ have changed continuously with the adaptation of new cultures, ideas, and identities. In the nineteenth century, virginity was sign of purity and innocence, as sex before marriage was seen as a sin. If he / she had sex before they were married, they were deemed unfit and ‘dirty’ in society. But this idea changed in the 1900’s, when people gained more sexual freedom. Sex was no longer limited, as both men and women began to have sexual relationships before they were married. Men now saw their virginity as a negative feature and sought to lose it early, while women still saw their virginity as something to be value and were not so eager to lose it early on in life. Compared to the past, the definition of ‘sex’ and ‘virginity’ today have become more …show more content…

According to studies, many respondents agreed that a woman’s virginity is loss only “‘if her vagina [was] fully penetrated by a penis” and that sex is “vaginal penile intercourse” (Carpenter). However, this definition does not fit homosexual couples, who may not experience vaginal penile intercoures. This raises the question of whether or not same sex couples would be considered virgins. Today homosexual men and women have begun to redefine sex and virginity to “include sex of same-sex partners” (Carpenter). Rather than describing these terms as vaginal penile intercourse, sex is now defined as sexual intercourse without the need to penetrate the vagina by a penis. To many college students, oral-genital contact and anal-genital contact are considered sex today and virginity loss as the first time someone experiences some form of sexual intercoure. The definition of sex and virginity have changed based on one’s sexual identity, making it more ambiguous today as more people are accepting these identity and changing the way they define these

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