Prostitution, Premature Ejaculation, and Abortion: Sexuality in America

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Introduction The reason I am writing this paper is to share the information I attained about human sexuality by learning about sexuality in a college setting and by exploring my sexuality through personal experiences. I do not consider myself to have experienced much exposure to sexual behavior but I do have a cultural bias to what I consider a heavy amount of exposure because the North American culture is considered more promiscuous and sexually active than other cultures. In order to further understand my experiences one must acknowledge the cultural background, which constructs my opinions towards sex, sexuality, and gender role. My opinions about sexuality shifted quickly as I moved from Israel, a middle-eastern society, to the United States. The sudden change of environment and culture occurred around when I began puberty, and as a result, my sexual identity shifted tremendously. Instead believing that a certain Jewish woman, whom I will marry, will satisfy all of my sexual needs, I began relating with my American peers and their sexual beliefs. Discussion of Sexuality Issues In my discussion I will be addressing three main issues that concern sexuality. The subjects are prostitution, premature ejaculation, and abortion. Although these topics concern different aspects of sexuality, I still chose to discuss them either because they relate to my sexual experiences, or because I wanted to further educate myself on the subject due to my lack of sexual experience and knowledge in the field. Prostitution. “Prostitution is the exchange of sexual behaviors such as intercourse, fellatio, anal intercourse, discipline and bondage, and obscene insults, for money and/or goods”(610). Prostitution is known as the world’s oldest profes... ... middle of paper ... a college setting through a scientific perspective, I became able to eliminate (to some extent) personal and cultural biases when constructing my individual attitudes towards different sexuality subjects. And as a result, my beliefs toward many sexuality subjects morphed. Negative, as well as ignorant opinions that I’ve previously held towards certain sexuality issues such as homosexuality or prostitution became more positive due to the intelligence the course provided me with. Also, by gaining further knowledge on personal experiences of sexuality, such as masturbation or premature ejaculation, I was able to find relief through identifying my experiences, beliefs, and attitudes with my peers. Works Cited Yarber, William L., and Barbara J. Sayad. Human Sexuality: Diversity in Contemporary America. 8th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2013. Print.

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