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Different learning styles
An essay about learning styles
Different learning styles
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Recommended: Different learning styles
A learning style is something that everyone in the world processes in a different way. Each person has their very own specialized learning style that is indigenous to them. Basically, there are three main learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Each learning style has common characteristics that describe what each learning style is and does. The visual learning style uses visual objects such as charts, pictures, graphs, and just overall seeing information. When your learning style is visual, you learn by watching other people and reading their body language; which means you also have a good perception of aesthetics. People who are visual learners are able to memorize and recall different types of information any time that they want. Once a visual writer has written something down, it is unlikely that they will forget it! An advantage that a visual learner has, is the ability to learn more by watching when they listen to lectures. If you are a visual learner, there are a few tips that should help you learn more. When taking notes, it will be more helpful to you to turn the notes into pictures, charts, or maps that are easier for you to understand. Also, make sure to avoid distractions such as windows and doorways. You should always try to learn …show more content…
the big picture first, and then focus on the details. Another thing to do would be to make mind and concept maps instead of outlines. A helpful tip for learners with the visual learning style would be to color code parts of the new concepts in your notes. The final tip is to use flash cards when trying to study vocabulary. Just remember, it's all about seeing! The second learning style is auditory; you learn and retain information by speaking and listening. A auditory learner often prefers to be told how to do things and then told the main points out loud to help with memorization. An advantage that someone with this learning style would have is the ability to notice different aspects of speaking, which gives the learner a deeper understanding of lectures. Auditory learners are also often talented in musical instruments and can actually concentrate better with music playing in the background. So if you see a student with earbuds in while doing work, they are probably an auditory learner! Some tips that can be followed is to record lectures and then listen to them later when studying. Also, make sure to repeat material out loud so you may retain the information better. It is also better for auditory learners to work in groups and to discuss the material together, and when reading, read the book aloud. When it comes to the auditory learning style, it is all about listening. The third learning style type is kinesthetic.
People who have the kinesthetic learning style often like to use a hands-on approach to learn new material. These people are generally good in math and science, and prefer to demonstrate how to solve problems rather than explain them out loud. They also like to work in groups more than others, rather than work on their own. Some tips for kinesthetic learners include taking study breaks often, and to learn new material while doing something active like read a book while doing laundry, or eating. It is more beneficial to the kinesthetic learner if they take classes at school with instructors that encourage demonstrations and fieldwork rather than book work and
reading. There are multiple models made by scientist for learning styles. For example, Walter Burke Barbe and his colleagues came up with three learning modalities that go by the acronym VAK. Obviously, V stands for visualizing modality, A for auditory modality, and K for kinesthetic modality. Barbe and his colleagues reported hat learning modality can occur on their own, or in the combination of other modality. So for example, a person can be both a visual learner and a auditory learner, but not a kinesthetic learner; so on and so forth. Learning styles can also change over time and adapt with age. Barbe and his colleagues also made an important note that stated that learning style modality has nothing to do with the preferences of that person. They are two completely different things. Another model made by scientists would be the Peter Honey and Alan Mumford model. Their learning styles are called activist, reflector, theorist, and pragmatist. To achieve these results, hey renamed the stages in the learning cycles according with managerial experiences. They then aligned the stages. These four learning styles are adaptable, either by choice or changed by different circumstances. They are not fixed personality characteristics.
Griss, Susan. Minds in Motion: A Kinesthetic Approach to Teaching Elementary Curriculum. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 1998.
After taking “The Kinesthetic Classroom II”, I have two ultimate goals I would like to implement into my classroom. The first ultimate goal is preparing the students’ brain for class at least twice a week in the beginning of class. My second ultimate goal is to incorporate one brain break everyday on lecture days. I believe these two goals are a perfect spot to begin my journey with adding movement into my classroom. Currently in my classroom, I may provide brain breaks once in a while but not as often as I should. Also I will admit, I definitely do not prepare my students’ brain for lecture. I tend to say my hellos’, ask how their day is going, and then jump right into lecture. “Movement in the classroom provides both teacher and student with
The Web. 3 Nov. 2013. Farwell, Terry. A very good idea. Tagged "Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic Learners."
Learning is defined as a permanent change in attitude or behaviour that occurs as a result of repeated experience (Sims & Sims, 1995). Understanding one’s learning style has many advantages as it can help one to identify the learning method or activities that can help to optimise the learning experience. It has been suggested that the importance of one’s learning style has been identified through studies and research on how one can maximise the potential for success and further learning development (Honey & Mumford, 2006). Learning styles are unique to each individual and are developed in childhood (Chase, 2001). We all have different personalities; therefore we all have preferred learning styles that suit us best. The way one learns depends on preference. Some learn by observing, listening and imitating others and draw conclusions from their experience. There are several factors that affect our learning style; for example, background, culture, religion and environment can have a major influence on one’s learning.
Even if we forget about the environment we still have to consider biology as the unique feature in each of us. We usually don 't take into account the fact that all our learning abilities, our concentration and focus abilities are intricately tied into the chemical processes of our body. Cognitive science tells that our consciousness and mind is not localized but an extension of the higher thinking processes, also known as Embodied cognition (Eleanor Rosch et al., 1991) . So, we need to recognize what process or strategy makes it easier for our mind-body to process information. So, it is important to include the body into any learning strategy we apply. Hence the need to include kinaesthetic or active experience based learning into our teaching
A big component of my learning style is hands-on experience; learning while doing. This usually involved someone with more experience instructing me as I performed the task. Through the hands-on approach, I picked-up the knowledge and gained proficiency as I went along. My learning style also involved standard classroom instruction, which usually meant listening to lectures and taking notes. My note taking was not the best so in order to make up for what I lacked in note taking, I would read the textbooks repeatedly until I understood what I was reading. I learned that in order for me to get a complete understanding from my readings and notes, there had to be a lot great deal of repetition ...
Learning styles are how individuals approach learning new concepts based on their strengths, weaknesses, and preferences. Acquiring and being aware of your learning styles is beneficial to accurately processing information that could be used for intellectual growth. Furthermore, learning styles are a part of how humans function and receive information from their world, so not being properly informed about this concept could bloom confusion, dysfunction, and chaos in society. Each learning style has a different goal and approach in interpreting information based on each individual’s abilities and should be regarded as being such. Nonetheless, it is a complex system that is produced to simplify and make sense of our world. Read/write was the
years hence the learning style could change to a synthesized hybrid of interpersonal and kinesthetic learning styles to more effectively teach the rising
To determine the best way I learn, I carried out two different learning styles questionnaires online. One may find that they are not always categorised in a specific type rather they may have more than one learning preference. Firstly, the most commonly used Neil Fleming’s VARK model. Fleming believes that there are four different types of learner: Visual, Auditory, Reading/writing and Kinesthetic learners. The second model I tried out was Soloman-Felder Learning Styles and Strategies.
“A learning style is a way of learning and refers to the way that you learn new information” (2). Most people have one preferred learning style and perform to a lesser standard when learning in a different style than what they’re used to. Nowadays, children are told to take a quiz in school to determine what their preferred learning style is, but after a few years, not many of these children remember what their preferred learning style is, or even if they do, they don’t apply it to their learning.
There are three types of learning styles. They are: auditory, visual and kinesthetic. An auditory learner processes information by hearing and discussing the information. Visual learners process information through visuals such as charts, pictures, and other types of printed information. Kinesthetic learners process information by muscle movements and experiences that are hands-on. Through the assessment I have discovered that my strongest learning style is a visual style with a score of 13, followed by kinesthetic, 8, and lastly auditory with a score of 4. Based upon this, my strength is using a visual learning style. The things I do now in studying that are within the guidelines include: read the book chapters and highlight while reading, pay special attention to charts and diagrams shown in the book or in class. By reading and highlighting I have found I can quickly go back through the information and reread the important facts, helping me remember them better. The more times I go over the information, the more effective I am come test day. I have found it very easy to read charts and diagrams in textbooks. Generally, by being able to read certain charts, it is much easier and faster to comprehend the information than if I was to read the paragraphs about it. A new study strategy that I will implement will include: writing what I highlight down into my own handwriting, adding ...
Physical movement is extremely important in the classroom. I am a tactile learner so through movement I am able to learn better. For example, when given directions to a new place, the movement of the car and myself enables me to remember how to get to that destination again at a later time. “An active body enhances an active mind. Learners who are activ...
Before this semester, I had little knowledge regarding the field of kinesiology. Prior to this course I believed kinesiology was simply the study of body mechanics; however, there is so much more to the subject. I was never aware of the various aspects of human movement and how significant its role is in our everyday functions. I was not able to comprehend the full scale of kinesiology. It involves diet, exercise, and even environmental factors.
Everyone has different learning styles. Learning styles are important because they help you better understand materials in classes. They are there to guide you and become a better student. Learning styles help you better grasp the material and better process it through your brain. When learning you want to do what is most beneficial for you. That is why there is many different learning styles to suit every person. There is three different types of learning styles categorized. The first learning style is auditory. Auditory is meant for individuals that enjoy asking questions, talking and listening, as well as like to read out loud. Visual learners are more interested in charts, graphs, neat surroundings, seeing rather than hearing, and are pictured to be timid as they read to themselves rather than out loud. Finally there is the kinesthetic learning style. Kinesthetic is to touch, to feel, and usually learn by doing.
Thought out our lives, we are faced with many different learning experiences. Some of these experiences have made a better impact than others. This can be attributed to everyone’s different multiple intelligences or learning styles. A persons learning style is the method though which they gain information about their environment. As a teacher, it is our responsibility to know these styles, so we can reach each of our students and use all of the necessary methods.