Compare And Contrast Kinesthetic Learning Style

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A learning style is something that everyone in the world processes in a different way. Each person has their very own specialized learning style that is indigenous to them. Basically, there are three main learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Each learning style has common characteristics that describe what each learning style is and does. The visual learning style uses visual objects such as charts, pictures, graphs, and just overall seeing information. When your learning style is visual, you learn by watching other people and reading their body language; which means you also have a good perception of aesthetics. People who are visual learners are able to memorize and recall different types of information any time that they want. Once a visual writer has written something down, it is unlikely that they will forget it! An advantage that a visual learner has, is the ability to learn more by watching when they listen to lectures. If you are a visual learner, there are a few tips that should help you learn more. When taking notes, it will be more helpful to you to turn the notes into pictures, charts, or maps that are easier for you to understand. Also, make sure to avoid distractions such as windows and doorways. You should always try to learn …show more content…

People who have the kinesthetic learning style often like to use a hands-on approach to learn new material. These people are generally good in math and science, and prefer to demonstrate how to solve problems rather than explain them out loud. They also like to work in groups more than others, rather than work on their own. Some tips for kinesthetic learners include taking study breaks often, and to learn new material while doing something active like read a book while doing laundry, or eating. It is more beneficial to the kinesthetic learner if they take classes at school with instructors that encourage demonstrations and fieldwork rather than book work and

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