Compare And Contrast Bullies And Dictators

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Bullies vs. Dictators When we hear the word “bully”, we normally think of little kids picking on other little kids. However, though bullying is an adolescent phase as well, grown adults can threaten other adults, also. On another note, a dictator, which seems to be an adult bully on a larger scale, misuses their power and controls a nation with a posse. They mostly use violence in order to scare citizens into changing their ways of life. Bullies and dictators are very similar because they use violence, they feel superior in their position and they tend to have their own cliques; but they’re different in degree. Bullies can be less dangerous than dictators because they tend to have a circle, with less than five people that terrorize individuals Bullies, who can be children and adults, can be physically violent towards others because they have seen domestic violence in the comfort of their own homes. According to Behavior Advisor, “Some believe that bullies learn their intimidation tactics from their parents/guardians, and are displaying behaviors that serve a function in their home environments” (“Bullying: Characteristics and Interventions”). Children watch a lot of adult activity and they have the drama embedded in their brain; thinking it is tolerable to be dominant towards others. In the same way, when children grow up, they still have a violent mindset when they become Bullies like to interact with people who have the same issues as them, because they don’t have to deal with competition. Bullies can be independent, but mostly bullies like to have admirers encouraging their ruthless behavior. When adult cliques bully other people, they usually focus on people who are possible rivals. They do not like to see people’s full potential, because bullies can tell that it can outshine their position in their workplace (“Sanctuary for the Abused”). Troubled adults and children have problems within themselves that they cannot fix, so they tend to take their anger out on people (“Bullying: Characteristics and Interventions”). They like to damage people’s confidence, because they know they do not have good self-esteem. Also, dictators are very reliant on others, because they want people to do their dirty work. When two dictators come together, they can possibly go to war as allies together and make horrific changes in their

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