Compare And Contrast Battlefield Vs Call Of Duty

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Battlefield and Call of Duty are two blockbuster games that made each developer millions. These two games are action packed first person shooters and are loved religiously by millions of fans. They are both war based and go through series of different stories and themes in both games. Although there is a split division of fans, the two games have many similar aspects with its gameplay, competition, and story. The Battlefield franchise has been getting more popular in the past couple of years due to its amazing gameplay. The games immerse you into the shoes of a soldier in war time in different time periods. There is a total of 22 games placing you in different times of history such as WWII and Vietnam and also current times. Not only does …show more content…

The games starting out in World War 2 and going to the future in 2025 gives it a lot of room for awesome gameplay throughout the years. Just like Battlefield the COD games put you in the shoes as a soldier in war time over a period of times. Also just like the Battlefield games it has seen some drastic graphical changes over time and actually in newer games have better graphics than the newer Battlefields. The newer COD games can run to speeds such as 1080p on the consoles and even higher on the computer depending on the graphics cards that you have. The competitiveness of COD is a lot higher than Battlefield because they actually hold an annual competition for cash money and are split into teams with team names. These competitions are extremely fun to watch and air on the COD websites. COD's multiplayer has always been much smaller than Battlefields with games that only hold 16 players 8 on each team making the games more about the greater good of yourself as a player. Although some play the game for the team play others play it to get kills for themselves and don't even focus on objectives which are placed through different game modes examples being bomb placements or flag captures. The story in the COD games I have to say are absolutely astonishing starting from the oldest one to the newest and still continuing. There are two main stories split between the two original developers being a company called Infinity Ward and another called Treyarch. These two developers have made amazing stories around the characters they have developed and have made the games story modes a great success and loved by

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