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The purpose of any and all texts is to criticise our society, whether that criticism is found in a novel or a film. This is established in the Novella ‘Animal Farm,’ written by George Orwell and the film ‘V for Vendetta’ by James McTeigue. Both of these texts analyse the way society is managed and how the populations can permit this management.
The abuse of power for self-gain, is inevitable in all totalitarian societies. This is evaluated in both Animal Farm and V for Vendetta through their representation of these societies and the individuals that lead them. In Animal Farm, allegory and altruistic irony is utilised when the pigs benefit from the other animal’s absence of reading kills when they modify the commandments ever so slightly. Allegory
Through this dramatic irony Orwell is trying to picture to the audience the selfishness of the pigs, and so criticizing the selfishness of Stalin and the leaders of the Russian Revolution. The selfishness of totalitaristic leaders is also depicted in V for Vendetta. James McTeigue draws this idea into V for Vendetta through allusions to the Nazi Party and Hitler. This allusion is established throughout the film, with direct representations, such as the close up of the Nazi flag in Gordons house and through the symbolism of the finger men logo which vaguely resembles the swastika. Allusions to Hitler are also drawn straight from Sutler himself. The rhyming of Hitler and Sutler as well as during flashbacks of
Through their use of allusion, symbolism and representation they portray many of societies flaws and imperfections. Such an imperfection includes the illustration of how totalitarian governments abuse the power they have acquired for their own gain, harming the people they are sworn to serve and protect. Through this abusive self-gaining government, we all are liable to become victims of consumer culture caused by the blind obedience to advertising and propaganda, being unable to form or voice an opinion of our own. But this lack of opinion can be at fault because of our own apathy, the ignorance and slothfulness that is contributed to the role we play in our society and the importance of that roles ability to motivate and inspire change. Whether you’ve read or viewed the novels or feature films I’ve discussed I have no hesitation in saying any text or film you have seen has been used in some way, shape or form to convey the criticisms of our ‘perfect’
The balance of utopia, power, and the good life has been challenged throughout history and been shown in different stories, such as The Truman Show and Animal Farm. This balance is tough to achieve, and this is shown numerous times throughout both The Truman Show and Animal farm. Power, which is the ability to act in a particular way, is shown to be easily corrupted, utopia, which is a perfect society, is proved to be near impossible to achieve, and the good life, which is the life someone would want to live, is shown by different people at different times.
... studying these four texts based around Survival of Society in Post-apolitical Environments, I have found significant connections between these texts. These connections have been very beneficial to study as each illustrates a different aspect of this topic, which can all be related to society. These films show us as the audience that often scarifies have to be made for the better of another and the will to survive in humans can encourage morally wrong/unethical actions. We can learn from these connections as in every day life we can make the small sacrifices that will make a big difference. Also, they make us think twice about when we make decision in our society as morally wrong unethical Act are punished for accordingly. We can use this knowledge to better us as a society in our daily lives. This startling idea appeals to the audience of these films thrill of post-
To conclude, because the government was able to use censorship and promote ignorance, they were able control and manipulate their citizens. This novel also has resemblance to our world, this novel is a reminder of how powerful media can become if used the right way, society can be mislead into thinking false things. By promoting ignorance, the citizens started having very bland lives with no depth. People did not talk about ideas and feelings because they were obsessed and dependent on instant pleasure, they will start denying they own feelings because of this. Television and easy access to entertainment made books nonexistent.
George Orwell's 1984 and The Lego Movie, are two texts which develop the theme that if one desires to obtain control one feels the need to alter feelings, capabilities and even the world seen in reality, which can result in a artificial society lacking the presence of human nature. In 1984 the Party of Oceania and the antagonist, President Business in The Lego Movie portray similar characteristics and goals which connect to the theme. In 1984 the ideology of thoughtcrime and the cotton swab in The Lego Movie portrays similar meanings which connect to the theme. In both the pieces of literature, there are totalitarian controlled communities. They are both controlled by hierarchies who's only determination is perfection and complete control over their society. In 1984, the Big Brother and the Party have total control over their society by asking the citizens to perfect the ideology of thought crime. They have the perfect vision of a society where people only love and worship the Party. In the Lego Movie, President Business wants to have a perfect society who only follows the rules given to them by him; if what he wills is not fulfilled he uses a cotton swab to perfect the blemish which would make his society perfect. In this society there are TVs everywhere displaying propaganda and there is also a 24/7 surveillance system. The two hierarchies illusion of a perfect society to obtain control, requires the loss of human nature and human creativity. This consequently involves the sacrifice of freedom of thought, speech and the expression of emotions .
Like all books, Animal Farm the book, is different from Animal Farm the movie. One of the reasons is the characters. Some of the characters that were in the book were not in the movie. Those were characters like Mr. Whymper, Clover, and Mollie. In the movie, Jessie, the dog that was only mentioned in the first chapter, replaced Clover. Jessie narrated the story, was the main character, and was in the story the entire time.
Overall, the V for Vendetta film does represent the graphic novel very well. Even though it is not exactly the same as Alan Moore wanted, it is a product of its time and Alan Moore’s help. And even so, the film was still similar to the original graphic novel because of its
V for Vendetta is a graphic novel written by Allan Moore. It is a story full of comedy with V as the protagonist who is out to fight and destroy the government and affects innocent people. The novel was later adapted into a film and directed by James McTeigue and written by Wachowski Brothers.
V for Vendetta is a dystopian film about a masked man, only known as V, who wreaks havoc on the oppressive government presiding over London. Throughout the film, V makes several speeches to appeal to the people of London, while Chancellor Sutler makes speeches in an attempt to paint V as a terrorist and a common enemy of all citizens. While V and Chancellor utilize ethos and pathos to connect to the people, V’s speech is far superior in persuasion.
When I was 14, I watched “V for Vendetta”, a movie based on the graphic novel of the same name. It’s an action movie about a dystopian, Orwellian future in the UK, and one man’s attempts to bring freedom back. Many denounce the movie as merely anarchist propaganda, but I believe that it is more than just that. I believe that it is about modern moral ambiguity, taking responsibility for one’s own wants and needs, and freedom conquering oppression.
It was was a dark night, all the animals huddled around Old Major to hear what he had to say about his dream. It turns out Old Major talks about rebelling against man so that all animals can have a better life. Ironically, after Rebellion, no one except Napoleon has a better life and he makes their lives even harsher. This is a story of communism, this is the story of Animal Farm.
Can you imagine a world where there is a complete absence of government power- one in which there is no infringement on human freedom? Individuals in a dystopian society live their lives based on fear, not knowing what would happen next in the hands of their daunting government. Mutually, ‘Animal Farm and ‘V for Vendetta’ express the conflict in a society between the government who attempts to control as many aspects of their citizens’ life and a protagonist who realizes that they are being manipulated and no longer wants to live this way. Propaganda is an important tool to every government. In Animal Farm it is used by the pigs to influence and manipulate the animals’ opinions. The propaganda the pigs use limits the animals’ ability
This story Animal Farm by George Orwell is a novel about an animal revolution over an oppressive farmer. The irony in the story comes when the pigs turn into the very thing revolted against. They exhibit the same cruelty by treating the other animals the same or even worse than previous owners. This cycle of cruelty is shown in the Russian revolution by Joseph Stalin who is represented by Napoleon in the story. Cruelty in animal farm is shown by the human’s treatment of the animals, and the animal’s eventual treatment of each other and the ironic characteristics of the two.
History cannot be ignored when reading V for Vendetta, which is why cultural poetic criticism goes along with V for Vendetta very well. Alan Moore’s history, the state of 1980s England, and the decades leading up to it shaped the ideologies in the novel and it was those ideologies which became the driving force behind V for Vendetta. Under Marxist Criticism, Marxists generally view literature "not as works created in accordance with timeless artistic criteria, but as 'products' of the economic and ideological determinants specific to that era" (Abrams 149). Moore first came into contact with the middle class and better educated people when he started to attend Northampton Grammar School.
One of George Orwell’s most significant goals as a writer was to receive recognition for his works. Orwell achieved his aim by projecting his political perspectives into fictional works such as 1984 and Animal Farm. His position against totalitarianism is strongly evident throughout his novels and even today Orwell’s works still seem relevant because of the fear of totalitarian governments perpetuated by the media and the recent democratic uprisings in the Middle East against dictatorial regimes. In this essay, I argue that Orwell’s reasons for writing, as he outlines them in his essay “Why I Write,” is to seek literary fame and he found that through incorporating political commentary into his writing; in doing so, Orwell successfully turns his political thoughts into a form of art. Using 1984 and D. J. Taylor’s article “Left, Right, Left, Right,” I will also discuss briefly how Orwell’s novels can apply to contemporary political situations.
In the novel, the reader constantly come across the slogan of the Party which is “War is Peace Freedom is Slavery Ignorance is Strength”(4) This is very significant because the slogan weakens the people’s mind and makes them easier to control, and goes with the entire novels theme and having a dangerous totalitarian government.