Community Service In High Schools

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High schools across the nation have begun to incorporate a certain amount of community service hours that you must to in order to graduate from high school. Community service is voluntary work intended to help people in a certain area.There are all types of community services, such as walking your neighbor's dog, helping the less fortunate, and helping the elderly. Doing these community services and much more can get anyone the community service hours they need to walk across the stage and accept their diploma. For me to graduate, I need community service hours, and the community service I chose to perform is helping the less fortunate. When you help the less fortunate, you can watch people and yourself grow, seeing how much of an impact …show more content…

You watch people for hours. You can see how they act, from the start of your community service to the end. When you spend weeks with people you can watch them change. Your peers might be helping the homeless because they get in trouble at school or at home. At the beginning, they might be kind of mean or distant, not really talking, but after awhile they might want to talk to people more because they have changed. They see that life is not about being evil, it is about caring. You can also watch the people you are helping grow. With you and other people helping them, they can have faith, and think that they can actually save themselves. They can be sad when you first meet them, but they will become happier over time, considering what life has given …show more content…

Helping the less fortunate is a great way to try new activities and learn new skills. There might be some families that need your help, that include children, and the children need something to do when you are doing your community service. You might bring some supplies to try some activities with the children, or maybe even for the elderly less fortunate. Some activities that you might try is knitting and sewing. With the children you could play board games, do fun stuff outside or do arts and crafts. One of the many new skills you could learn is cooking. You might never cook at home because your mother always prepares the food in your household, but when helping the less fortunate, you need to prepare meals for them, and the only way you can do that is by cooking. The most important skill you could learn is working with other people. You need to learn to communicate with other people, even if you do not know them that well. The cooperation skill is a skill that you will need for the rest of your life, and it is very

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