Collision Theory Experiment

1471 Words3 Pages

Collision Theory Experiment

1. Temperature increasers the number of collisions. When the

temperature is increased the particles all move quicker. If

they're moving quicker, they are going to have more collisions.


2. Concentration (or pressure) increases the number of collision. If

the solution is made more concentrated it means there are more

particles of reactants knocking about between the water molecules,

which make collisions between the important particles more likely.

In a gas, increasing the pressure means the molecules are more

squashed up together so there are going to be more collision.


3. Size of solid particles (or surface area) increases collisions.

If one of the reactants is a solid than breaking it up into

smaller pieces will increase its surface area. This means that the

particles around it in the solution will have more area to work on

so there will be more useful collisions.


4. Catalysts increase the number of collisions. A catalyst works by

giving the reacting particles a surface to stick to where they can

bump into each other. This obviously increases the number of

collisions too.


Faster collisions increase the rate of reaction

High temperatures also increase the energy of the collision, because

it makes all the particles move faster.

Faster collisions are only caused by increasing the temperature.

Reactions only happen if the particles collide with enough energy. At

a higher temperature there will be more particles colliding with

enough energy to make the reaction happen. This initial energy is

known as the activation energy, and it is needed to break the initial



Rate: To work out rate you the following:

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