I could play ball with the guys and could even outrun some of them. Give me a challenge and I’d show you I could do it or make you prove that you could do it better then me. I was on every sports team the school would let me on and always did my best. Pain had never bugged me, infact I embraced pain. If I came home sore or with a new cut or bruise to me it meant I had a productive day. My freshman year I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, it’s a type of cancer that affects your immune system. I went through six months of chemotherapy and radiation treatments and was declared cancer free. I was also still running for my school team at the time and was approached by the coach, Gene Jones, who told me about the St. Jude’s run that was starting up in my home town. I could not contain my excitement, I would be able to give back to the amazing hospital that saved my life! I told everyone I knew about the run, how I was going to be a part of it, how much fun I thought it was going to be, and when the race day was. I started training and working out with more intensity and milage so I could run all thirty-five miles. …show more content…
The day of the race came I shaking with anticipation.
As time grew closer to the takeoff time I began sweating, “What if I couldn’t run the entirety of it?” “Would people be disappointed?” “Can I even run that much?” When there was ten minutes left before we started running everyone that was a part of the run came together for a group photo. The time came for us to start running with ease me and my friends started on our long run. Every step sending a thrill of exciting emotions that put smiles on everyone's face, but that would soon
change. Our feet were aching, our backs began to become sore, and we were sweating buckets. There was one more mile to complete before our lunch break. Closing the distance towards our destination, Metamora High School. Many of the members of our group had sat out this leg due to fatigue, out of the fifty people on our team only ten ran this leg. I was one of the ten who ran this leg. I was so hungry from running that you could hear my stomach as we ran by. The team sat and ate for about 30 minutes. It was calming and helped relax us. With about ten minutes left of our break I decided that it would be a good idea to get up, stretch, and shake out my legs. But when I stood up I could feel every step of the nineteen miles I just completed. A cramping and burning pain shot through my calf as I sunk back into my chair and decided to stretch sitting down for a while. I thought that there was no way I could finish the this run without hurting myself, there was fifteen miles left to go but my legs felt as if they were tied to cement blocks. With aching feet and new found motivation we ran out of the Metamora High School parking lot like kids leaving school for summer break, our destination however was not home or to the beach for summer activities. But heading towards the Peoria Civic Center. Mile after excruciatingly painful and hot mile went by. At this time it was about ninety-five degrees out, we had been running all day, and there was only five miles left of the run and I would accomplish my goal, but everything was not going good. My feet had blisters, my blisters had blisters, my back was in knots and my calves were on fire. We had a exchange point, where we were offered to sit out the next leg, at the Thortains in East Peoria just down the big Germantown hill. With aching feet and low motivation I talked myself into sitting out a leg, with deep sadness I carried myself to the bus and stumbled into my seat. Feeling not only the pain in my muscles but also the pain of disappointment setting in heavily with me. All my hard work, intense training, and excitement but yet I could not complete the run. However, I did run more than ninety percent of everyone else that ran, and no one completed all thirty-five miles. When we finally arrived at the Civic Center all of us were so tired we could not take another step we ran into the building feeling like Spartan warriors who had just returned home from war victorious. We had accomplished our mission, to give back to the hospital that helped save not only my life but the lives of children everywhere. In total I ran a painstaking thirty-one miles and came in third for the most mileage on our team. I beat people that run marathons and I was half their age. That factor and the fact that I was giving back to the hospital that saved not only my life but lives of children and adults everywhere. What an important event in my life, to give back to the hospital that gave me the chance to run again.
When the cross country season started in August I became a mentor for the new runners. I was still a runner but now I was doing my running through my peers. During each practice I would lead everyone in stretching and would follow with encouragement on my bike during runs. The freshman looked up to me as if I were an assistant coach and I knew I had done the right thing in being there every day for
It’s fall everyone and Halloween is coming.I would like to tell you that fall is the best season of all.
This sparked my interest in service. I took initiative to not only become a member of the American Teen Cancer Society, but assume a leadership position. My active participation in cancer research fundraising within my school, and during Relay
I am writing on behalf of the 8th grade class at Monticello Trails to persuade you to write a book about Kansas. We know that you do not take submissions, but we would love to at least be considered to be included in your wonderful book series. Kansas really deserves a book more than any other state because Kansas usually gets a bad rap from other states. Many people in other states tend to think that Kansas is a very boring and dull state. Well this book may show people that Kansas is not what they think it is. We want to show people what Kansas is really about.
Thesis: Most students enjoy summer vacation, but some educators feel that summer break is too long and the students do not retain information as easily when they return in the fall. I personally disagree with summer vacation to be shortened.
My journey began when I signed up to play in a golf tournament for the benefit of the Breast Cancer Foundation when, ironically, I discovered a lump in one of my breasts. At the time I was more concerned with the tournament than the lump and I decided to only monitor it for any changes. Much to my chagrin, I noticed it was steadily growing. A friend suggested that I see a doctor. I procrastinated in doing so, prompting my concerned friend to call and make the appointment for me. Looking back now I probably would not have made it to the doctor if it weren't for the action of a friend who unknowingly played a key role in saving my life.
A few other officers and I were interested in taking the upcoming corporal exam. Unfortunately, the exam has been scheduled for a date that I and others will be out of town (for prescheduled family vacations during Spring Break week). Is there any way that we could possibly either test in advance of our departures or when we return from vacation, or the test possibly be moved? If this is not an option at this time, I understand and look forward to taking the test in the near future.
I am contacting you because of the current financial aid issues that some students are facing. Such as for the students that don’t qualify for financial aid, and their parents aren’t helping them pay. Or for the students who get little help but are still struggling to find ways to pay for one semester of college and worrying about how to come up with ways to pay for the next couple of years.
A lot of people don’t know that they have to do more with their education and get a good paying job. If you are declined a job that you know you will enjoy, but don 't have the college papers for a job can get disappointing. Some people are not inspired to go to college, and others can’t afford it. Other issues involved with the skills gap for jobs is the high requirements for that area of work, and peoples soft skills. High school is supposed to help you plan you for the real world, but not many classes help teach you the real world. This forms the skills gap in America, this stops people from being able to progress in today’s community.
Education is a huge topic of controversy, society is always trying to reform what we know as education today. Right now, the first 12 years of education are entirely free for students directly, but in the end are paid for by the taxpayers of the town. The question is, why should only grades k-12 be free why not a college education too? On the other hand, there are some exceptions to free schooling at the k-12 levels. The most prominent being, Private schooling, most towns in the United States have at least one if not many private schools. They require a certain amount in tuition for each of its students every year. An example of this, in my town Salem, NH one of the most known private catholic schools is St. Joseph 's. I had a good friend a few years back
You think its no big deal. You’re out celebrating having a couple of drinks and then just driving home right? Its nothing like that at all. There are many negative effects that can take place when you are out drinking and just having fun with your family or friends. At the moment you don’t think of the WHAT or IF. What can happen if I drive home drunk? What if something happens down the road? Those thoughts don’t come to mind when you’re having fun because why should they? How can a negative thought come to mind when whats in front of you, the feeling you’re having is only positive. We all been there I understand, we all have gone out for a few drinks and drive back home like if nothing bad can happen. Since we have gotten away with it before,
It is 2am and you wish you had more time for sleeping. You have had a long day between school and work. Probably tired and overwhelm of all the homework that you have to turn in this week. Sometimes you may ask your self the question, “Is it worth the effort I am making to go to college?” I am sure that some of you have had those days were you wish you can stay at home watching TV, playing video games, sleeping, and not worrying about studying for a test. How many of you have felt this way at least once this semester? Turn around, as you can see you are not the only person that feels the same way. However, I will like to tell you the reasons why you should graduate from college. Today, I will talk about the knowledge you get from going
I am writing to you in hopes that I might persuade you to give me an extra 10 points to my semester average. I strongly believe that my great courage to pass the semester will affect you to give those 10 points. I really need the 10 points to pass the class, and I will prove to you that I really need the points to pass this class.
There's this famous quote that can spark an interest to challenge yourself within you: "If something that you're doing doesn't challenge you, then it doesn't change you." Of course, since everyone of us has rooms for improvement, this can also mean that if you don't change yourself, then you can't also be responsible for changing your situation in life.
The miles increased each week and before I knew it, the last long run before the marathon was only twenty miles. Then came the marathon, 26.2 miles of runners’ high, pain, agony, and unstable weather.