Drive Persuasive Speech

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You think its no big deal. You’re out celebrating having a couple of drinks and then just driving home right? Its nothing like that at all. There are many negative effects that can take place when you are out drinking and just having fun with your family or friends. At the moment you don’t think of the WHAT or IF. What can happen if I drive home drunk? What if something happens down the road? Those thoughts don’t come to mind when you’re having fun because why should they? How can a negative thought come to mind when whats in front of you, the feeling you’re having is only positive. We all been there I understand, we all have gone out for a few drinks and drive back home like if nothing bad can happen. Since we have gotten away with it before, …show more content…

That thing being a driving under the influence charge on your record. You may think you can fool piers or even yourself that you are in good condition to drive but you cannot fool the authorities. I must say after witnessing a friend of mine go through this, getting a charge like this can ruin your life faster than you think. It is like a dizzying tailspin from which you cannot pull out of. There are many consequences I believe most of us are aware of such as suspension of drivers license, a large amount of fees and fines, high insurance premiums, participating in community service as well as driving programs and of course jail time. All these consequences take a huge toll on one financially and you’ll find yourself taking up a lot of your time trying to finish all the requirements the government orders you to meet after you’ve been charged. These short term effects are not the only consequences you’ll find yourself facing when being charged with a DUI. They’re are many long term effects that take place as well. Even after you have fufilled your legal obligations, a charge like this can undermine your future opportunities and haunt your life for

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