Cognitive Dissonance Essay Examples

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Cognitive dissonance- The way I would describe cognitive dissonance is contradicting with two different ideas or more. There could be a set of believe but then this could be broken when something else comes along. This can go different ways either by sticking with their first idea, reducing one idea or changing to the other idea.
There are many situations for this word. For example, we watched a movie on race. From what I can remember is a law about how people are should be treat fair. Which was ironic because they mistreated black or minorities which went against their idea of the country. The white people decided that the idea was still valid because black or others did not have the same brain capacity as they did around that time. …show more content…

They reduce their emotion by focusing on the perspective on how they feel. They look at it from a different angle. For example, a person can feel upset but try to rationally think of way to reduce this emotion. They will go from I am upset to I am deeply affected by this because.. This approach seems to reduce the pain from someone by disassociating from their emotion and being self aware. This allows them to see their own state.
The best way I could describe privilege is having an advantage by default.The most common one is white privilege. A lot of people would not exactly see this right away. Although, there is happen to be privilege. White privilege happens An example in privilege would be straight privilege. I never thought about that privilege until this class. I then realized this is a norm and accepted in society. Homosexuality is looked down upon because of many reasons from religion to society norm. Someone who is straight does not have the problem to come out or worry about losing close relationships because of their orientation. …show more content…

A situation I had was in theology class from my last semester. I felt uncomfortable because it seemed as though I was not as knowledge even though I did the readings. Most of my classmates already had background knowledge about the bible. In group discussion we talked about themes about the passages. I remember how uncomfortable I felt throwing my opinions on what I thought. So, when I did try to put my thoughts out, I ended up with disagreements with how I was wrong. Even though, I was just sharing a thought not trying to start argument. This almost insecure to speak my thoughts out. I try to find ways to avoid any disagreements. Until, I realized that everyone will not always agree with what I think but I can try to make it possible to invite to speak their thoughts without invalidating their opinions as long as it’s

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