Clove Benefits

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Clove is a renowned spice which is widely used in cuisines around the world. The natural end product of this nail like spice is of dark brown color. The word clove is derived from a Latin word “clavus” which means “nail”. It originates seven thousand and five hundred years BC back. Due to its unbelievable functions and amazing benefits it can be also called “the wonder spice”. A clove contains an oily compound beneath its hard exterior. This chemical compound “eugenol” is responsible for most of its miraculous advantages. Clove trees are cultivated in Madagascar only for medical purposes. Most people are still unaware of its importance, benefits and uses. Ensure limited intake of cloves must be used in minor amount to avoid side effects like dehydration, toxicity etc.
1. High nutritional value
Cloves are incredibly rich in vitamins. These include Vitamin-A, Vitamin-C, Vitamin-B6 and Vitamin-K. Vitamin-C is used for the revitalization of skin color. Vitamin K is beneficial for cardiovascular health and also bones health. Vitamin-A is helpful for vision and helps in protecting retina. They assist in improving the immunity of the body and aids in the development of lymphocytes.
Other nutrients included in clove are iron, magnesium, potassium and calcium. It contains a huge amount of manganese, higher than any other food. Manganese is a mineral that triggers multiple enzymes, mainly anginas which assist in the making of urea. It also helps the body get rid of fat and ensures the stability of the nervous system.

2. Anti-Viral and Anti-Bacterial Properties
Clove portrays anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties. This means it puts a stop to a range of allergic conditions. Clove is a rich source of eugenol whose molecule contains m...

... middle of paper ... lipid profiles (arising from thyroid-glands) reduces cholesterol and prevent from oxidation. De-oxidation or reduction of cholesterol results in breaking the large chain of molecules of fats clotted in venal tracks broken into smaller parts leaving the venal track. As a result the risk of heart attack and atherosclerosis is minimized or controlled. As it has a toxic level up to some strength. Clove is useful in killing parasites. These parasites could damage the tissues of heart, lungs or kidneys, creating painful diseases like cancer.

Clove oil is also able to reduce formation of blood clots since it is a natural blood thinner, while inhibiting the aggregation of platelets thereby reducing the risk of heart attack. Stimulant properties of clove tea are attributed to its ability to increase circulation, expand the blood vessels and to increase body temperature.

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