Clothes Affects Our Mood

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Beautiful, handsome, sexy, hot, attractive, classy, stunning, and elegant are all adjectives people love being described as. They will jump through hoops and stand on their heads to simply have someone compliment them on their appearance. This seems silly and farfetched but it is a part of every person’s life, either subconsciously or consciously. The way a person dresses may reflect their emotional, mental, physical, and social state. Not only does it affect them but it also affects those they interact with. Many people however don’t believe this to actually be true so they continue dressing in ways that reflect the wrong image or cause a different emotion.
Therefore researchers believe that clothing effects and reflects a person’s mood. Women are a prime example of this emotional connection with clothes. According to one study done by Rheyanne Weaver, “…women who are depressed or sad are more likely to wear baggy tops, jeans, and a sweatshirt or jumper. Women who are happy or positive are more likely to wear a favorite dress, jewelry, and jeans.” ((Archived) Dress Code Study) This shows that they are deciding to wear something based on emotional state. “The study found that 'happy' clothes -- ones that made women feel good -- were well-cut, figure enhancing, and made from bright and beautiful fabrics.” (Bellini) Clothing that demonstrate a happy mood are usually favorite outfits that they feel good in. This also works in reverse; if a woman is in a depressed mood wearing a favorite outfit can actually uplift her spirits. Unfortunately clothing seems to only impact women in an emotional way. Research shows that men are not affected emotionally by their clothes. “…men consider clothes a way to express personality and choose dep...

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