Pros And Cons Of Dress Codes

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Dress codes are essentials for all schools across America. Dress codes will set the tone for students to be safe because they will help reduce violence, increase student safety, and provide a positive learning environment. Dress codes can reduce violence in many different ways. “The National School Board Association estimates that approximately 135,000 guns are brought to America’s 85,000 public schools each day.” (Larry Wilder, Pros of the Dress Code, pg. 1) “Some dress codes require students to have the belt line exposed at all times for fear of guns concealed under clothing.” (Wilder 1) “Educators reported a decrease in violence when dress codes were implemented.” (Wilder 1) Every day so many guns are brought to school. If dress codes were implemented in all schools that number should go down. If this dress codes requires students to show a belt line. Students who bring guns will have a harder time concealing them, and most likely will not bring them. Although dress codes promote safety there are some negative affects of it. Dress codes don’t prepare kids for the jobs in the future. “Some employers—some dotcom companies, for example—care less about how their employees dress and more about their work.” (Wilder 4) Even though a lot of jobs don’t require dress “Many educators believe that a dress code also promotes a positive educational environment.” (Wilder 1) “Dress codes will help to instill student discipline, helping to resist peer pressure, helping students concentrate on academics and aiding in recognition of intruders.” (Wilder 2). “Students reported there was an improved sense of belonging and tolerance when a dress code was implemented.” (Wilder 2) If dress codes will help promote a positive learning environment, why don’t all schools have this? If students are more focused on their academics then high school dropout rates will decrease and average GPAs and graduation rates will go

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