Climate Change In China Essay

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A systematic review of observed climate change adaptation in China
Anup Jacob1 Kamal Kishore Sahu2
1.2 PRM 34 , Institute of Rural Management , Anand
E- Mail: ,
Date: 05/18/2014 summary The global climate is a major concern for all developing countries that are in the process of rapid industrialization, economic growth and massive consumption of resources. China is vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change , which resulted in serious threats to natural ecosystems, as well as economic and social development (2008, policies and actions on climate change in China) . China combines the treatment of climate change with the implementation of its sustainable development strategy , accelerating the construction of a new source conservation and society and building a country of innovation friendly environment . introduction Complex climate and a fragile ecological environment to determine that the task of China to adapt to climate change is difficult. China is characterized by a continental monsoon climate , and most regions of China have a wide range of seasonal temperature variation compared to other continental areas at the same latitude . Many places in China are cold in winter and hot in summer, and high temperatures generally prevailing in the country in summer. Rainfall is unevenly distributed in time and space , focusing in the flood season , and the annual rainfall decreases from south- east to north- west from the inside. China has a fragile eco- environment, soil erosion and desertification and a forest coverage rate of 18.21 percent , only 62 percent of the world average. The area of natural wetlands is relatively low ; most grasslands are very cold desert grasslands and steppes ;...

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...y to cause crop yields declined , particularly through increased flooding . It is not clear whether the decrease in moisture and surface runoff due to increased evapotranspiraion (HE ) driven by increase in temperature is beneficial to crop yields in southern China , because this area has heavy rainfall.

Figure 2 precipitation in different parts of China
With increasing temperature , it directly affects coastal areas in the form of rising sea level. The " Sea Level Monitoring Report 2007" , published by the State Oceanic Administration of China, said that the average sea level along the coastal areas of China has increased by 90 millimeters ( mm) in the 30 recent years. cities in coastal areas are directly affected by the sea level rose . Shanghai, for example, located in a low lying area near the mouth of the Yangtze River , is highly vulnerable to climate change

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