Classroom Management

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By definition; Classroom management: a term used by teachers to describe the process of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly despite disruptive behavior by students. Classroom management is a very big part of teaching, almost as big as the lesson itself. From my experiences most classes that have EBD and students with disabilities, you may have 5 students with special needs, 3 students that need to make up work, 3 disruptive students, 2 students with ADHD, 3 students who don’t have their books or home work, 6 students who decided not to bring a pencil and two who have no more notebook paper, and all of this is on the good days. Under these circumstances it is easy to see why a teacher wouldn’t be successful. An effective teachers best tool for situations like this is classroom management. While knowing your subject is the first step to being a good teacher, you wouldn’t be able pass the knowledge along to the students without effective discipline and classroom management.
I think it’s inevitable that you’ll run into some problems but you learn on the job. It’s important to set rules and boundaries. I think kids like you better when you have structure. As the year goes on you can joke or have a light moment with them. That’s one of the things I like most about teaching, just those relationships. But if you break to early you can never go back. You can get less strict but not more.
A teacher’s approach to classroom management will vary depending on factors like psychological, education level of the student, social, cultural, overall classroom level the physical conditions of the school and organization structure. Classroom management is the first and basic step of educational administration. Classroom is a place where in is ...

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...cher and student believe in. A great deal of students with EBD or disabilities lack emotional discipline as well as maturity that are needed to remain on-task for any extended period of time. Reprimanding the students for their lapse in focus will not get them to get back on track but most likely cause them to withdraw even more. Building in short breaks or rest periods into your lessons is a great way to give the students a chance to shake of any frustration and remain on task. Strategies for teaching these kinds of students should be based around changing their behavior and making it more positive and more focused on education, rather then the traditional school format of lesson, lesson, lesson. The best classroom management systems are focused on including students and praising good accomplishments, rather then trying to discourage bad behavior though punishment.

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