Classroom Animal Dissection is Unnecessary and Unethical

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Classrooms and teaching styles are evolving into the 21st century but dissection isn’t changing. Twenty million animals are killed each year in inhumane fashion for the purpose of classroom dissection, even though just as good options are available and don’t cost animal lives (Peta). A lot of these animals aren’t even raised for dissection, they’re captured from the wild or - like dogs and cats - bought from shelters (Dissection: Lessons in Cruelty). What we need to start asking is, “Does dissection breed a cold view towards animals?”.

Many people argue upgrading our dissection programs because they believe you can’t beat the “real life” dissection, where you see, smell, and feel the different body parts (Should schools ban animal dissection?). What needs to be pointed out though, is the fact that the majority of k-12 students are not going to need to know what the insides of a frog look like, let alone their texture and smell. As for sight, even many well renowned veterinary colleges have switched over to multi-media dissection programs that don’t involve real animals (Alternatives In Education) and an additional 98% of U.S. medical colleges have stopped using animals in their courses (and none expect/require you to dissect an animal) (Cutting Out Dissection: Benefits of non-animal methods in biology education).

Ask any of your grandparents if animal dissection was in use in their days of school. Chances are, it was. Since then color was added to the TV, computers have become smaller and smaller, we have mobile phones that fit in our pockets, and medical fields have made huge strides. Yet for the most part, classroom dissection hasn’t changed one bit. The method of animal dissection commonly used today is far past expired (i...

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Should schools ban animal dissection? n.d. .

Step 1: Choose Not To Dissect. n.d. .

Step 2: Know Your Rights. n.d. .

Student Choice Laws. n.d. .


Talk, Earth. Does Classroom Dissection Deplete Species, Encourage Cruelty to Animals? n.d. .

The Environment and Dissection. n.d. .

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