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Rural and city life difference
City life vs rural life
Rural and city life difference
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Persuasive Essay for LA Essay Finding a healthy and active lifestyle is now becoming harder and harder. With gaming and virtual things taking over our lives, it is important to see the beauty of nature and stay active. Because of the lack of exercise, more and more people are becoming obese. Living in the country is a way to solve those problems. The country is affordable and cost-effective, the average house is only 200,000 dollars! The country also has less air pollution than the city, making the country’s air healthier. Raising animals in the country is ideal because of the healthy grass and creeks. The roads in the country have fewer people driving in them, so that makes driving safer. The crime rate in the country is also very low because robbers typically target richer neighborhoods in the city. The country is better and more cost effective than the city to live in because you are more exposed to nature, have a more …show more content…
The scenery is magnificent and you can’t even compare it with the city. If you live in the country, your backyard will be bigger, so you will have space to do outdoor activities and raise animals. Furthermore, growing crops is also ideal because of the country soil quality. The greenery in the country is also healthier, so if you raise animals, they won't be tainted by pollutants. Stargazing at night is the best in the country because of the lack of tall building blocking your view and the absence of light pollution. Did you know that almost 40% of america is now considered obese? This is mostly because of the amount of junk food and high calories that we consume. Living in the country provides you with more organic and locally sourced foods, making your diet more balanced and fresh. Back in the 1960’s, when there weren't that many junk foods, only 15% of americans were obese! Living in the country makes your diet choices healthier and reduces the risk of getting
There are a lot of options in the San Antonio real estate market at this time, which can prove to be a bit taxing for a prospective home buyer. Those interested in purchasing a home can browse through the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) in order to view all of the listings available. As a whole, the real estate market is thriving, yet the general price of properties in the area are surprisingly affordable.
This investigation is based on the assumption that gentrification with all its troubles can’t be prevented and is an inherent part of every city. What are the negative impacts of gentrification? What are the underlying mechanisms that feed these impacts? What drives these mechanisms? What would be an alternative scenario?
Despite general declining rates of morbidity and mortality in the United States over the past century, African-Americans still find themselves at a health disadvantage and account for more than 40% of diagnosed cases of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, obesity and cancer . Studies within the fields of sociology and public health have directed their focus towards individual-level determinants of health such as socio-economic status and individual health behaviors. However, there has been insufficient attention to how and why place and neighborhood contribute to racial/ethnic health disparities. This analysis examines the health implication of racial segregation as a result of gentrification on African Americans, explores systems of segregation measurement, and proposes ways to move beyond traditional public health and health care approaches to impact relevant policy.
Gentrification is described as the renovation of certain neighborhoods in order to accommodate to young workers and the middle-class. For an area to be considered gentrified, a neighborhood must meet a certain median home value and hold a percentage of adults earning Bachelor’s degree. Philadelphia’s gentrification rate is among the top in the nation; different neighborhoods have pushed for gentrification and have seen immense changes as a result. However, deciding on whether or not gentrification is a beneficial process can become complicated. Various groups of people believe that cities should implementing policy on advancing gentrification, and others believe that this process shouldn’t executed. Both sides are impacted by the decision to progress gentrification; it is unclear of the true implications of completely renovating impoverished urban areas; gentrification surely doesn’t solve all of a community’s issues. I personally believe that gentrification is not necessarily a good or bad process; gentrification should occur as a natural progression of innovative economies and novel lifestyles collide within certain areas. Policy involving gentrification should not support the removal of people out of their neighborhood for the sake of advancement.
Gentrification is a term that has come to be associated with today’s modern culture. Gentrification is the process whereby wealthier people settle into a struggling neighborhood to evict existing residents. Justin Gomer states in their article that “[t]he most common feature of gentrification is the rise of property prices as well as house rents, thus pushing out poor residents who are unable to cope with the high prices” (Gomer, 2017). Therefore, gentrification is a term that is synonymous with the displacement of the poor communities that have inhabited an area over time, sometimes over several generations, due to arrival of richer new residents. The act of gentrification causes the displacement of lower income
Of the many problems affecting urban communities, both locally and abroad, there is one issue in particular, that has been victimizing the impoverished within urban communities for nearly a century; that would be the problem of gentrification. Gentrification is a word used to describe the process by which urban communities are coerced into adopting improvements respective to housing, businesses, and general presentation. Usually hidden behind less abrasive, or less stigmatized terms such as; “urban renewal” or “community revitalization” what the process of gentrification attempts to do, is remove all undesirable elements from a particular community or neighborhood, in favor of commercial and residential enhancements designed to improve both the function and aesthetic appeal of that particular community. The purpose of this paper is to make the reader aware about the significance of process of gentrification and its underlying impact over the community and the community participation.
Gentrification is a highly important topic that has not only been occurring all over the United States, but especially closer than we may have thought. San Francisco is home to hundreds of thousands of people who have been a part of how amazing this city has become. San Francisco is one of the most visited places in the world with many of its famous landmarks, endless opportunities not only for daytime fun but also has an amazing nightlife that people cannot get enough of. People come for a great time and could not be done without the help of the people who have grown up to experience and love this city for what it truly is. The cost of living in such an important city has definitely had its affect of lower income San Francisco residents. For decades we have seen changes occurring in parts of San Francisco where minorities live. We have seen this in Chinatown, SOMA, Fillmore district, and especially the Mission district.
...nd in very different parts of the country. My experience points to the fact that one is not better than the other…simply different. Both the city and the country have great things to offer, and they both have disadvantages; it all depends on what a person is looking for in their life.
One major issue affecting many people trying to make the decision on where to live is their quality of life in either extreme. Health, education, transportation are three major concerns that many consider. In a city, pollution surrounds you wherever you step whether on the streets of a busy financial district or on the lawn of a large park. Pollution could possibly cause health problems later in life. In the country, pollution is scarce. Fresh air, rolling green hills, a few pieces of litter here and there but pretty much everything is clean, and wow! No smog, you can see the stars! In the country, childhood education, kindergarten through twelfth grade, is significantly better than in a large city; smaller class sizes and larger budgets create excellent learning environments. In cities, public schools are often plagued with very large classes packed into small spaces. Teachers with low pay, and little or no dedication are thrown into classrooms to teach, resulting in poor education. Transportation is very accessible in city environments. Public transportation, by way of subways, busses and ferries, are cheap and easy ways of getting around a metropolis, whether going out to work, school, or for a night on the town. In the country, everyone needs to have access to his or her own vehicle. A commute to work or school is about an average of forty-five minutes!
Whoosh! That is the precise sound I heard as the crazed flock of travelers headed for the train terminal. My best friend, Stacy, and I were left disoriented and understandably confused once the crowd thinned. We were at Madison Square Garden at the train terminal awaiting our train back to the hotel; it was our first trip to New York City. As one may imagine, it was a fascinating and surreal voyage into extreme urban life. It was so enthralling and exciting that afterward I felt compelled to make a permanent trek to a large city. Due to my experiences in cities like Atlanta and New York, I have an increasing desire to live in a large city because of the various forms of entertainment, myriad of transportation, and the never-ending excitement typical of such a fast-paced lifestyle.
Since the 1980’s obesity rates around the world have risen significantly. In the United States, current statistics indicate that one in every three people is medically obese. This statistic has placed the United States as the second most obese country in the world, next to Mexico. These increasing causes of obesity are linked to the declining national diet and nutritional profile as well as lifestyle trends in these countries. According to experts, community design, lack of physical activity and increasing levels of car use all negatively affect obesity rates. Many modern cities and towns, especially in places like America and Mexico, were constructed in the ‘automobile era.’ This has resulted in fewer walkable communities in the United States, compared to other countries like France and Italy w...
So whether it is the crazy, energized, stress-filled life of living in the city you prefer or the laid-back, relaxed way of life the country has to offer, both have their advantages. The choice is dependent on what is important to each individual. I have many fond memories of living in the city during the first part of my life; however, it is the move to the countryside that has had more of an impact on my life. Industrial employment opportunities were greater in the city and extracurricular activities were in abundance, nonetheless, I prefer to treasure the slower paced life in the country, the kindness of friends and neighbors I have here, and the down-home flavor of rural living.
I am black, I am a woman, growing up I was called “white girl.” As a black woman from sin city (Las Vegas, NV) the term urban did not describe my reality. Perception can be the only reality that you see in examining the lens of what is “urban”. What is urban? When the word urban comes to mind does it elicit emotions of privilege, pride or fear? Hunter; & Leonardo (2007) look at the term “urban” (particularly in the ghetto) they define it as both a “real” and “imaginary place” and divides the urban perspective into three distinctive categories of “space”: Urban is sophisticated, Urban is authentic, and Urban is a Jungle. Furthermore, from the text the author(s) argue, “daily constructions
One of the significant differences I noticed is the social opportunities that are not feasible in the countryside towns. Many people prefer big city life because of the opportunities they see in the cities. People living in cities find jobs easily because of the corporations and industries. Cities have more competition which sometimes leads to a low cost of living. The other factors that contribute to the low cost of living in the cities are easy transportation, generic job availabilities, and other benefits provided by the government. Because of the low transportation facilities, and less job availabilities, country people experience high cost ...
Urbanization is the process of becoming a city or intensification of urban elements. Since modernization, the meaning of urbanization mostly became the transformation that a majority of population living in rural areas in the past changes to a majority living in urban areas. However, urbanization differs between the developed and developing world in terms of its cause and the level of its negative outcomes. Korea, as one of the developing countries, experienced what is called ‘ overurbanization,’ and it experienced a number of negative consequences of it, although it could achieve a great economic development by it. This paper examines how urbanization differs between the West and the rest of the world, the characteristics and process of urbanization in Korea, problems sprung from its extreme urbanization, and government policies coping with population distribution.