Churlishness Vs Listening

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Listening trumps speaking over an individual or a group of individuals. Listening passionately achieves a similar objective. Listening causes no bruised egos or pride, if an individual listened instead of talking over the teacher, the individual resolves by apologizing, with a bruised ego, and teacher resolved future conflicts by having punishments for churlish violators. Churlishness, while certain individuals find churlishness attractive, everyone else finds them annoying, as well as predictable.
Listening triumphs speaking, as cordialness triumphs churlishness. Cordialness requires listening as an active allotment, instead of churlish speaking. “Don’t be fooled into thinking that being heard is more important than hearing.” (Mike Myatt). Churlishness requires speaking over an individual already speaking. Said individual ranges from guest speakers, teachers, family, friends, acquaintances, or all around strangers. Churlishness produces restrictions upon multiple individuals, allotting the offender in addition to all individuals. Disrespecting an individual causes a vicious cycle of churlishness, which causes a cycle of speaking in lieu of listening.
Listening overcomes speaking as an unbarred mind is more susceptible to …show more content…

A conversation means nothing without speaking, conversation will not move forward nor backwards. Speaking passionately perhaps sparks a new light on the topic at hand. Passionately speaking possibly sparks excitement for a new conversationalist, or for a new argumental view. Nonetheless, a detrimental flaw of speaking trumps listening, every person reacts differently. Some individuals perceive an attack on their person, to their core beliefs because they assume passion means not listening. These individuals possibly lash out either verbally or physically, both of which cause rifts among friends, family and

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