Christianity From The Outside Perspective Essay

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Change. Change is either good or bad, it all depends on perspective. As does my topic, The view of Christianity from the outside. Christianity, in its most basic form is the relationship between an individual and Jesus Christ, who is believed to be the Savior, the one who died for our sins. Many people believe that Christians are just angry, judgmental people who are out to get people on the fence about what they believe. Others view them as sort of strange and just decide to leave them be. Another perspective I’ve heard a lot is that “Christians are crazy.”. Simply put, people outside of Christianity looking in may have misconstrued views on what it really is based on an experience with someone who may have screamed at them or someone who has seemed to judge their every action. This outside perspective is an issue and not one that is solved by the viewer, but more so, by the viewed. …show more content…

What I see in my community is a whole lot of negativity that isn’t going to go away easily, but I truly believe that by spearheading kindness and just being loving with my words and actions, I can inspire others to do the same. It all starts with love. When people are missing love for themselves and humanity, regardless if you are a Christian or not, you won’t showcase any of it because you’ve got none to give. This goes for both sides. By just being a loving friend, caring person and overall compassionate and empathetic person, this world can change, one person at a

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