Chris Gardner Grit

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Grit. An uncommon word that describes our work habits and traits. It is a hidden, yet an
important aspect in our lives. After reading the articles “Top 5 Reasons most people fail”, “The Truth about grit”, “5 Winners teach us how to learn from failure”, and “How failure makes us stronger”, it really showed me how important grit is in our lives and the lives of many. The Pursuit of Happyness is based on a true story about a man, Chris Gardner, who demonstrates many aspects of grit. I believe the three main aspects of grit is having the perseverance to keep going, taking action without hesitating, and keeping a positive mindset.
One of the main aspects of grit is having to force oneself to keep going. In the movie, The
Pursuit of Happyness, Chris Gardner demonstrates grit by having the momentum and determination to keep going knowing that he had so many things …show more content…

In the article, “The Top 5 Reasons most people fail”, it states, “...we have to take action in order to get somewhere.” Chris Gardner needed to take action for the sake of his family. He went from door to door, and no matter how hard he tried, he was barely scraping by with the funds of his medical machine. There was an opportunity for a job at Dean Witter and Chris Gardner took the opportunity in a heartbeat. He lands a spot amongst the 20 interns competing for a paid position as a stockbroker. Chris Gardner did not know where to start however he put in as much effort he could put in to get there. When an individual takes on a big role, there is that voice in the back of the head saying they can not handle the task ahead of them. This can further lead to the feeling of depleted motivation and irresponsibility. Having the willpower to fight off the voice and conquering the task can determine a person’s grit and can further validate their

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