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The pursuit of happiness
The Pursuit of Happiness and Psychological
The pursuit of happiness
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Grit. An uncommon word that describes our work habits and traits. It is a hidden, yet an
important aspect in our lives. After reading the articles “Top 5 Reasons most people fail”, “The Truth about grit”, “5 Winners teach us how to learn from failure”, and “How failure makes us stronger”, it really showed me how important grit is in our lives and the lives of many. The Pursuit of Happyness is based on a true story about a man, Chris Gardner, who demonstrates many aspects of grit. I believe the three main aspects of grit is having the perseverance to keep going, taking action without hesitating, and keeping a positive mindset.
One of the main aspects of grit is having to force oneself to keep going. In the movie, The
Pursuit of Happyness, Chris Gardner demonstrates grit by having the momentum and determination to keep going knowing that he had so many things
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to fight for. Stated in the article, “The Top 5 Reasons most people fail”, “The truth is most of us give up just before we’re about to have a breakthrough. We let discouragement and obstacles become barriers, rather than using them as launching pads for the next approach”. Chris Gardner did not have the slightest clue when he was about to have a breakthrough. He had to keep on pushing while his money, wife, house among many more was taken away from him. Amidst his possessions that was taken away, he still had one more thing to fight for: Christopher Gardner, his son. He used his son as motivation and energy to keep on pushing. There was not a chance to give up for the sake of Christopher. Every individual has experienced the feeling of procrastination and discouragement. Every individual has had two choices for the problem; 1) To overcome that feeling and push through the workload or 2) To give up and do it ‘later’. This is the thin line that separates using grit to achieve success and letting obstacles get in the way. Another main aspect of Grit is taking action no matter how big or small the task may be. In the movie, The Pursuit of Happyness, Chris Gardner demonstrates grit by taking the initiative to apply for an internship that took weeks of hard work and sacrifice.
In the article, “The Top 5 Reasons most people fail”, it states, “...we have to take action in order to get somewhere.” Chris Gardner needed to take action for the sake of his family. He went from door to door, and no matter how hard he tried, he was barely scraping by with the funds of his medical machine. There was an opportunity for a job at Dean Witter and Chris Gardner took the opportunity in a heartbeat. He lands a spot amongst the 20 interns competing for a paid position as a stockbroker. Chris Gardner did not know where to start however he put in as much effort he could put in to get there. When an individual takes on a big role, there is that voice in the back of the head saying they can not handle the task ahead of them. This can further lead to the feeling of depleted motivation and irresponsibility. Having the willpower to fight off the voice and conquering the task can determine a person’s grit and can further validate their
success. The final aspect of grit is remaining positive in negative situations. In the movie, The Pursuit of Happyness, Chris Gardner demonstrates grit by taking a completely negative situation and turning it around to a positive state. Quoted from the article “5 Winners teach us how to learn from failure”, it states, “But during this rock bottom time, she realized she still had a wonderful daughter, an old typewriter, and an idea that would become the foundation for rebuilding her life”. Being homeless is a unfortunate situation to be in. It weakens an individual's state of mind, no matter how young they may be. Christopher Gardner was 5 years old when his father and him camped out in the subway bathroom for the night, as they had nowhere to go. Chris Gardner took the grim setting and lifted the mood by using imagination to hide the negative situation. His plan worked because Christopher Gardner forgot about the situation and felt safe and sound in the pretend cave. Sometimes, people take on the mood that the atmosphere occupies. When a group of people act in a bad mood, one might feel the need to take on the same mood as the people around them. This situation requires an individual with a strong mindset to take on the challenge and spread the positive mindset. This also causes a chain reaction within the moods of many. In conclusion, Grit is shown through the individuals who occupy perseverance, who take action without the need of others, and remain positive throughout. Keeping perseverance throughout the situation will show persistence and determination. There might be a choice to do or not to do, however with those who have grit, there is only one choice: to take action and just doing it. There might be negative times of hardship and frustration, however, it is important to remain positive and keep a positive mindset. Grit can be a difficult trait to acquire however it will guarantee lifelong success.
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Are you fearless, brave, and double tough? You might have what it takes to be “True Grit” but only if you can be compassionate and sensitive at the same time. The Marriam-Webster their definition is mental toughness and courage. In the book True Grit by Charles Portis, Mattie Ross is a four-teen year old girl who sets off to find and kill Tom Chaney for the murder and robbing of her father. She hires a Marshal Rooster Cogburn who agrees to find and kill him for a price of 50 dollars. Before they leave Mattie meets a man named LaBoeuf, a Texas Ranger set out on the mission of capturing Tom Chaney for the murder of the Senator and his dog. Mattie Ross doesn’t want his help, she knows that LaBoeuf will try to take him back to Texas and have him hung, but that’s not what she wants she wants him to be responsible for her father’s death and be killed on the spot or hung in her town. Rooster Cogburn is the definition of “True Grit” opposed to Tom Chaney the coward that kills an unarmed man and robs him. He lacks every trait that “Grit” is supposed to be. Mattie Ross is a coin toss of “True Grit” and not having “Grit” sometimes it seems as if she does have it bun then her four-teen year old side shows that she really is just a young girl.
“Over time, grit is what separates fruitful lives from aimlessness.”-John Ortberg this is a great quote that shows how grit is necessary in being successful in life. Grit is key to getting want you want and achieving dreams.
It starts with Courage which is describes as the ability of doing something that scare you everyday. The article states that they should stop being coddling and has to faced their failure so that they can learn from it and stand up so that they can go forward. The next point is the conscientiousness which is the main key because it is the ability of taking responsible and the conscience of doing what's right and importance. With conscientiousness in the human being character is describes as the big five such as being an open minded, agree with what is right, be conscience and make right decisions to achieve the work needed. Long term goals and endurance will bring you to your goals because it's the base of your work. Without it we can not make it to the end game. The more you have resilience and Optimism , the more you work harder. Your objectif, your surrounding your positives and negatives aspects of life give you Grit. It helps you to understand better what placed those. The role Grit play in your life and in our world of today. Just like it says in the article “ Optimism+confidence+creativity= Resilience =Hardiness=(+/-) Grit. The last point not the least, excellence vs perfection’ first of all nobody is perfect but as human we try to work hard so that we can make it to Excellency which guide us to the endgame. But a grittiest person is someone who doesn’t look for excellency only but work hard to meet perfection just like in a soccer game or an athletics sport. As an example, in a soccer team, there is always one soccer player that everyone love and want his team to win, so to do so all the team need to have Grit and be more gritteir than the other team to win.In addition, the article of Margaret Perlis and professor Duckworth about Grit can be benefit to college students because it can help them to make better decisions, to be able to have an object and to be grittier about what they want. They
To continue on there are always two options, just give up or keep on pushing until the goal has been reached. The people that decide to just quit most likely have a fixed mindset, while the people that don’t give up have a growth mindset. Eduardo Briceno discusses that when obtaining a growth mindset, setbacks don’t take a toll on the person, they will continue to press on until the goal has been reached. Briceno’s point is that when you realize that anything is possible, then you bring yourself to new levels. Overall having a growth mindset allows people to complete any realistic goal that they
There are lots of examples of this in the book but here is a good example from Mawi when he ran track. “That summer, I would run at least six days a week and lift weights every other day. I did it, working during the day and training at night. Again, my hard work paid big dividends … I earned all-conference honors.” (115). Mawi joined the high school track and field team. During his sophomore and junior years, Mawi only made marginal progress. He wanted to change that. Mawi knew from his father that if you work hard, you will succeed. As you can see by this quote, Mawi did as his father said and no doubt, he succeeded in getting all-conference honors. Persisting is not just in sports, however, Mawi also worked hard at school. He recalls, “I stayed up night after night, rereading the chapters and reviewing my notes. I would get home from sports at 6 p.m., eat, help out around the house, and study until midnight. Then I would get up at 6 a.m. and do it all over again. The hard work paid off. I often got the highest grade in the class.” (112). As you can see, Mawi also worked hard at school. Mawi took an advanced us history class. He knew that by working hard and persisting, he could get the highest grade in the class. Mawi spent 6 hours studying and reviewing his work. He was committed to earning the highest grade in his class and his hard work paid off. Working hard and persisting is a valuable lesson to learn because it produces positive results. Also, it does not matter whether you are running track or studying for a test, if you work hard at anything and set your mind to it, you will achieve your
Grit is the main action of someone achieving their goal and there were many examples of grit in the Coen brothers’ film production True Grit. Achieving a difficult task is something everyone has to deal with some point in their lives. Grit plays a vital part in achieving those enterprises. True Grit had many instances of tenacity in the film. The onlooker of the film caught on these actions quickly when they are amazed with the determination of Mattie Ross, LaBeouf, and Rooster Cogburn searching for Tom Chaney, the murderer of Mattie Ross’s father.
This idea comes from Ralph Waldo Emerson’s “Self Reliance” when he states, “A man is relieved and gay when he has put his heart into his work.” Ultimately, what this means is hard work is the important key to happiness. In the novel Into the Wild, Wayne Westerberg explains, “He was the hardest worker I’ve ever seen. Didn’t matter what it was, he’d do it.” This addresses the larger idea of determination that Chris McCandless has. Wayne says that Chris was a committed man and he worked hard until the very end, which was eventually his death. Chris had multiple jobs and did each very efficiently. With no car and no money, Chris takes a job from Wayne working for him at his grain elevator. Wayne and McCandless become good friends because of Chris’ good work ethic. McCandless then takes a blue-collar job working for at McDonalds. This shows Chris will work for what he wants. His co-workers found him to be diligent workers. Chris even took on tasks that absolutely no one wanted. He cleaned up smelly, dirty muck on a farm. Everyone avoided that job, but Chris was up for it and he did it well. Chris McCandless admirable work ethic explicitly describes how he is a
What is grit? Grit is having the ability to persevere and overcome obstacles with mental strength ,courage and other strong personality traits. Pamela Duckworth believes that having the character trait called grit is they key to all success. Her claims further continue with the fact that nothing really matters , but as long as you have grit you will prevail. By this I mean test scores, class rank or any rank ,experience, talent/ability all fall to the hands of grit.
Why are the strongest performers not attaining the most success? This is the question that Angela Lee Duckworth, author of “Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance” attempted to answer in her article. Discussing the research done on grit, how it's built, and what exactly it means to have it. Susan Moran, author of “New Math: Fail + Try Again = Real Learning” also expanded upon this question in her article, illustrating the effect that embracing mistakes has on one’s ability to learn.
The quality of unimaginable success is determined by grit. Despite confronting difficult life circumstances that delay the process individuals who are passionate, intelligent, and dedicated to one’s own success will continue maintaining consistency throughout their journey. Success is measured by an individuals’ commitment to effectively work hard towards life-changing goals. In the journal article “Grit: Perseverance and Passion for Long-term Goals,” Angela L. Duckworth conducts several studies in order to convey human’s capacity for higher achievements while still enduring challenges and failure. Although Duckworth’s research has proven that individuals who are less gritty tend to shift trajectory, I believe working hard and keeping “stamina” is essentially the key to achieving your goals (1088).
This film is based around a guy Chris Gardner (played by Will Smith in the film) in San Francisco, California, who invested in a device called a “bone density scanner”, he put most of his money in this investment as he strongly believed in it. He started this venture with his wife Linda (played by Thandie Newton ) but overtime the craze for these bone density scanners limited and the interest started to decline and very few hospitals wanted this equipment. Chris then starts to become quite broke and results in his wife having to be the main source working shifts at a restaurant to support them and especially their son Christopher (played by Jaden Smith), this leads in the drift in relationship and continuous arguments between them since throughout
Everything that you will accomplish will only come if you are persistent, dedicated, and hard working. Those qualities make up a person’s grit, which should be taught in college composition classes at Central Methodist University.