Chile Essay

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When considering a vacation in Southern America, you should definitely consider Chile as an interesting destination. Chile is the world’s longest country. Located on the volcanic and highly seismic Pacific Ring of Fire, the coastline extends over 2,672 miles and is never more than 117 miles wide. The world’s driest desert, majestic mountains, spectacular glaciers and fjords, and imposing volcanos all make up the geography and environment found nowhere else place in the world. Food is an integral part of any culture and Chile is no exception. The cuisine is mainly a combination of native Chilean culture and Spanish influences and is notable for intense flavors and variety of ingredients. Seafood is an important staple in the cuisine because of the extensive access to the ocean. The foods, however, vary greatly between region due to the diversity of the terrain and availability of ingredients. Holidays are important in any culture. For the most part, holidays celebrate Chile’s history or religious holidays. 61% of Chileans are Roman Catholic, so about half the holidays are Christian observances.
Chile is one of South America’s most prosperous nations. Another interesting fact is that Chile is a founding member of the United Nations, as well as the Union of South American Nations and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States.
In the mid-16th century, the Spanish invaded the existing Inca rule in Chile and conquered and settled northern and central Chile. They failed, however to conquer the Mapuche that independently inhabited the south central part of Chile. In 1818, Chile declared its independence from Spain and established a stable authoritarian republic government. Chile gained territory...

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...alf a hardboiled egg, raisins, and olives. A slightly alcoholic drink, chichi and red wine are also served. Algajores are a typical desert made from two breaded cookies joined together by caramelized sweetened condensed milk.
It is interesting to mention that during Fiestas Partias, it is mandatory that every public building in the country displays a Chilean flag. It has been mandatory since 1967 with fines up to 40,000 pesos (approximately $80 USD), although it is not strictly enforced.
Dancing the cueca (above)

There are many things to see and do in Chile. Volcanoes, mountains, deserts, and beaches make Chile a unique destination. When traveling to Chile, it is important to understand the influence holidays and food have on Chilean culture. Chile is an interesting place and when considering a vacation to South America, it should definitely top your list.

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