Charles de Gaulle

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Charles de Gaulle

Charles Andre Marie Joseph de Gaulle was one of the most prominent Frenchmen to ever live. This is partly the reason why I selected him. Being part French, I have an interest in Frances History and society, both of which de Gaulle had a great part in. He fought hard for his country in WWI and bore the scares of battle for the rest of his life. In WWII he inspired the people of occupied France to fight for their liberation and led the French Resistance against Hitler and the Nazis. By forming the Fifth Republic, he replaced a weak government with a stable and effective one.

Charles de Gaulle was born November 22, 1890 in his mother’s parent’s home in Lillle, according to the custom of that time. His father, Henri de Gaulle, was a teacher at the College of Immaculate Conception, a well know Jesuit College. He was baptized the day after his birth, and christened Charles Andre Marie Joseph. He was the third born out of five children.

Charles was the biggest out of the five children and usually got his way. He enjoyed playing war games with his brothers and neighboring children. In these games, Charles was always the French and always wanted to be in command. On his tenth birthday, Charles’ father took him to see a play about the son of Napoleon and his second wife, Marie Louise. This play made Charles decide that he wanted to be a soldier.

Charles went to the Immaculate Conception College wear his father taught. While there he learned to admire the Jesuits for their discipline and scholarship. Charles enjoyed French history, had a very good memory, and was well liked by his classmates.

After his graduation from the Immaculate Conception College, Charles applied to Saint Cyr military College. The prerequisite w...

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...e same fate that took his father’s life, a ruptured blood vessel on November 9 1970 at the age of 79.

Charles de Gaulle served France faithlessly his entire life. His tireless efforts to preserve France’s good name during WWII and the legacy he left on the French government are a testament to that. This again is the reason I have chosen de Gaulle as my topic for the research paper. He was one of the greatest Frenchmen to ever live, but unlike other famous French heroes, like Napoleon, and Joan of Arc who died in the hands of their enemies, de Gaulle died peacefully in his own house, in the country he loved.


Works Cited

1) Bernarnd Lewdwidge; De Gaulle: Saint Martin’s Press New York

2) Charles De Gaulle:

3) Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia 98; Charles Andre Joseph Marie:

4) The world Book Encyclopedia Volume 5

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