Characteristics Of The Perfect Job Essay

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Ever met someone that proclaims that they have the perfect job? They might have the perfect job, well, for them at least. Having many jobs in my life, I have come to realize that one person’s perfect job, may not be perfect for everyone. While one looks for all the desired qualities, characteristics, and aspects of a job, not everyone has the same thought on what those are. There is one perfect job for everyone, but one perfect job, is not for everyone. As life changes, so does our thoughts on what is the perfect job. No matter what job is perfect, I believe perfect jobs have all of these characteristics.
Security, not in the traditional sense, is the greatest characteristic in my opinion. A perfect job needs to provide security that you will be able to afford the necessities to sustain your life. Now this changes as time changes, when we are …show more content…

As the old adage says “love what you do”, this plays a huge role in the perfect job. Security and purpose are characteristics that play into our needs as human beings. Being happy with your job tends to take a back seat to the other traits a lot of the time. With a perfect job you would not need to sacrifice being happy with what you do. Doing something you love is essential to the perfect job, enjoying work is a big part of having the perfect job. Job satisfaction is achieved in many different ways. One way is through purpose itself, although the work its self is tedious, the outcome of the work may bring that satisfaction. Another way a job may bring satisfaction is by, simply being something that we have an interest in. The last is that, although we may not necessarily enjoy the work being conducted, we are satisfied by where we work. Sometimes who we work with brings us the satisfaction that is sought. No matter the source of the satisfaction it is something that we need in a perfect

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