The Perfect Essay: The Search For Perfection

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◄ The Search for Perfection ► Few words in the search of the optimal status of our daily existence, that is geared to search for the material perfection where the knowledge learned from academic books taken to the extreme, can be misinterpreted or frantically put to work twisting positive outcomes. Knowing that not everybody will agree, my experiences taught me that there are cases where ignorance can be bliss. If something is not known, it doesn’t exist, therefore there is not a need for it and furthermore the sort of a paranoia that can be generated from the lack of it, is not there. Here is another story that taught me a lot that I would like to share. Back in Puri I ended up living with a fisherman and his family. Each day we went out fishing leaving the shore around 5a.m. and around noon we would return and sell our catch of the day right there on the beach. The working day was over soon after we cleaned the boat. At that point we headed back to the small hut that served as his house. (I don 't remember his name and I should! He meant so much to me, maybe it is because I see him as a transparent messenger that crossed my path at the right time.). Once inside, he put the money made that day on the table and …show more content…

Only after accomplishing the betterment of our world and its inhabitants should space discovery be considered. In fifty years of exploration what we got out of it equals to improvements that, when we’re not present, our lives were still going on. On the other hand, if those improvements could be used and benefit everyone on Earth, then I would see it and say that is a good thing. I write below that those discoveries mainly benefit only a section of us that will gain financially. I admit knowing of the coming of a typhoon can prevent to save lives as it can be done by the engineering and the of anti-typhoon technology, As we found out, very often, the weather predictions are falling short of

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