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Recommended: Effective communication for leadership
There are many different characteristics and skills that a successful 21st century leader must possess. Being able to adapt to change, break boundaries and stay grounded are a few of the many skills that a success leader must have. In my school, work and community, I have had several opportunities to demonstrate my leadership skills. I very much enjoy being put in a position to lead people and I put my all into my task. When I go down to IUPUI, I plan to enhance my leadership skills to help me accomplish my personal and professional goals.
Times are changing rapidly and I believe that the most important skill that a 21st century leader must posses is the ability to adapt to change. Many leaders have this ability and when the competition adapts
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I learned that being able communicate was vital. Everybody contributed to the outcome of the show, and they ran their ideas past me. Some of the ideas were not so good, but some of the ideas were just great! Whether it was them changing up the music a bit, or them adding a visual, the ideas helped push the show forwards. One thing I learned was that personally, I need to work on staying grounded. That is a key ingredient to a great leader and I was lacking that ability. So often I allowed the stress of marching band consume me and that didn’t help anyone. I need to work on keeping my own stress to myself and not pushing it onto the people that I’m trying to …show more content…
For my personal life, I believe that in order to be a strong person, you need to be a leader. Not a follower. IUPUI is known as a school with parties and I’m totally aware of that. The reason why IUPUI is my choice is not for the people so much, but for the opportunities that I will be able to have. IUPUI is pretty much my ideal school; close to home, the medical school is on the campus, I have so many job opportunities as an undergraduate. The school is too good to pass up. However, I don’t want to get sucked into the “college social life” and I need to be a strong person to steer clear of that. I think I am a strong person and I want to encourage others to follow my same game plan. As for a professional goals, I want to become a neonatal surgeon. For surgery, it’s important to have one game plan and to have that plan executed. I want to be the head of the surgery. I don’t want to follow someone’s lead for longer than I have to. I need to be able to communicate with my nurses and with the residents that I will be working with in order to make sure that the surgery goes exactly as planned. I need to adapt to the new changes as well in order to be a great surgeon. The medical field is notorious for changing, it needs to change all the time though. Scientists are always finding new discoveries about the body and doctors are always coming up with new, more effective procedures. In order to survive in the medical field, it is
They need to start acting like leaders instead of normal kids in marching band, especially for the younger players because essential leaders are role models. If leaders are goofing off while they should be serious the rest of the band thinks it could goof off too. If a leader does nothing but complain, people are going to follow in his or her footsteps. Leaders also need to help freshmen with their parts because a lot of them do not have confidence in what they are playing. Section leaders should basically be a teacher during sectionals. For example, I basically taught Nate how to play both shows and several other things and he is a way better player than what he was. Young players flourish when they are encouraged by older
“Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others” (Welch). Leadership is inspiring others to learn more, do more, and become more. Ineffective fail to possess certain characteristics which effective leaders do. Willingness to help others, selflessness, and strictness; these are the qualities of a both good and effective leader. Without these qualities, leadership would fail and being a leader would mean nothing.
Many definitions exist on what leadership is. Despite the many differences in definitions, they all describe the leader as someone who influences others. Leaders transform individuals around them allowing them to work to their full potential. In order for a leader to be successful they must be knowledgeable, self- confident, and effective communicators. These characteristics will create a positive workplace environment that results in an increase in productivity. Leadership is not defined by titles or salary. Leaders must acquire their skills and continue to improve on them through learning. Good leaders provide a vision and help motivate others to make that vision happen. The leader must be effective and successful in creating a strong institution.
2). Risk – Willing to take on a high risk, and engage in self-sacrifice to
Being a leader you need to be in tune with your talents, strength’s, and weaknesses. Personally I feel I have many skills and talents. I am a great friend, I’m trustworthy and dependable. I can step up to the plate if needed and I can take control of certain situations without being told to. I love writing and being able to express my feelings or thoughts through writing and poetry. Along with my talents and skills I also have weaknesses. Knowing your weaknesses is twice as important as knowing your strengths in my opinion. One weakness of mine is being motivated. Once I start a task I will finish it and put 150% effort into it, but actually starting the task is my problem. Another weakness of mine is change. I have a problem with drastic change; I have a comfort with familiarity. With every leader there is going to be strengths and weaknesses and I think it’s very
Leaders, an individual that people look up to for direction, inspiration, and guidance in life. Passion, influential, reliability, a vision, etc. These traits along with many more, are the things that make leaders great and successful. Everyone has different personality traits that make us capable of being leaders in this world and I learned that throughout this course. Everyone is different, whether good or bad, ethical or unethical, everyone has a leadership style all their own. “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader (John Quincy Adams).”
When I was first elected as section leader in the TWCP Marching Band my junior year, I had a copious amount of hope in the people around me. Even though we did not share the same beliefs and interests, I felt that with my leadership position, I can still help those newer members thrive in band and make their time worthwhile. I was the first chair bassoonist in the top band and had placed well in multiple prestigious competitions, so I was confident in my abilities. This task was a relatively simple one for me. Always understanding of the younger students’ interests, I knew exactly how it felt to be in their position. Band was enjoyable for me, I lived for the competition
Many Scholars characterize the core qualities and skills necessary for an effective leader. Useem defines leadership as “Creating a vision and translating that vision into actions”. Historically, an effective leader was assumed to be exceptionally knowledgeable, authoritative, and dominate. Those leaders applied the command and control method to lead an organization. With the passage of time, this definition has been changed. The modern definition of an effective leader is honest, courageous, trustworthy, inspirational, and result-oriented. Today’s leaders create shared values and vision, and empower others to achieve their targets.
As a person who is for the most part uncomfortable with change, it is important that I find ways be a leader in a world that is ever changing. In order to be the best and most prepared leader as possible, it is necessary to be aware of one’s core identity and the values, talents, and strengths that are included in this. Consistent with the indications of Vaill’s term, “permanent white water”, the tendency of the world to change is unavoidable and “continual”. We as leaders must find ways to adapt and acclimate ourselves to these situations. Through the discovery of my core values, talents, leadership style, I will be able to develop an action plan to transform my talents into strengths and use leadership techniques to best accommodate my ambitions.
Leadership is a wonderful quality for anyone to have because not everyone possesses leadership qualities and skills; however, a person can learn to have leadership qualities if he or she has the desire. A good leader has many excellent qualities such as; a leader has followers, knows how to encourage the workers, can get results by implementing strategies, can create a vision for the company, and communicates the vision clearly. These are not the only qualities a leader must have but they are some of the most important qualities a person must have in order to be successful in a leadership position. "Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things." Druker, Peter F. Retrieved Dec. 14, 2005 from http://www.famous-quotes-and-quotations.com/leadership-quotes.html. Another excellent quote about leadership is "The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it." Roosevelt, Theodore. Retrieved Dec. 14, 2005 from http://www.famous-quotes-and-quotations.com/leadership-quotes.html.
Leadership is defined as a process by which an individual influences others to obtain goals. There are three aspects that should be addressed when explaining leadership. One aspect is that leadership is a social influence process; leadership could not exist without a leader and one or more followers. Another leadership aspect is compliance; all of the leader’s directions must be complied with voluntarily. Compliance is what separates leadership from other influence-based formal authority. Finally, leadership results in the followers’ behavior, that is purposeful and goal-directed which must be in some organized setting (Leadership Theories and Studies, 2009).
"A leader is an individual (or, rarely, a set of individuals) who significantly affects the thoughts, feelings, and/or behaviors of a significant number of individuals” (Gardner, Howard 2012). An essential part of a leader lies in their ability to motivate and influence people to follow their lead. Leaders are both men and women who have the ability to influence others in a community, control situations, connect with others and persuade others to follow them or the goals they define. To be a good leader one must set a good example and make correct decisions for difficult choices. I myself am implementing leadership skills into my every day life. Leadership skills are all around us. They can be applied to any situation where one may be required to take the lead. This can be
Throughout my life I have encountered the chance to experience position of being a leader. Being part of groups in university for class presentations, being the organizing secretary of my campus fellowship, being a youth leader in my church and the church admin, also being part of a family. Leaders are charismatic, inspirational and trust worthy. I have gained some important qualities of being a good leader through these experiences. Most of the valuable leadership’s characteristics that I obtained and strengthened are: learn to become a better leader every day, how to be a team player, to be a better listener, to be an effective communicator, to have more patience, not afraid of constructive criticism, to be outspoken, and to be a problem solver. Even though I have gained a lot, I still have more things to learn to become a better leader such as being more assertive, being more disciplined, becoming a better public speaker, and learn how to be realistic and not too optimistic. You are a leader if someone else choses to follow you.
Another aspect of leadership includes leadership traits such as being influential and inspirational. There also different contexts of leadership, e.g, leading oneself, leading other individuals, leading groups, leading organizations. Some traits that are often associated with being an effective leader include a measure of intelligence, high energy, self confidence, dominance, and a need for achievement. An effective, charismatic leader must lead by example. That leader must be able to know what is going on, the job or task that is being accomplished, and be able to lead the group into performing the task at hand successfully.
In the 21st century they consist of various barriers that prevent managers and leaders from achieving their goals and improving their organizations work. Managers constantly try tackle this issues that drive towards lowering productivity. Challenges of management include :