Challenges Of Nurses In Nursing

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Nurses around the world collaborate with various providers and partners to address multiple challenges in the community. With emphasize on health promotion and disease prevention, nurses have an important role in delivering nursing services in the community and in the home. Challenges that impact the overall health of the community can arise from unequal access to health care or lack of insurance causing individuals do not receive healthcare. However, all nurses can help improve health outcomes and help to prevent and manage diseases. With the help of community health nurses, public health nurses, and home health nurses, the ability to provide safe and effective care for all sectors of health is possible.
To begin, the role of the professional …show more content…

The transitioning nurse must be able to communicate clearly and effectively. Often times nurses working in the community are alone where there is no other health team member present, therefore complete communication is essential. Transitioning nursing must possess knowledge of computer technology. The use of computer technology allows the nurse to communicate with other healthcare providers, facilitate care and manage complex healthcare needs (Bates et al., 2016, p.342). Furthermore, nurses transitioning from an acute care setting must be able to adaptable to any given situation or community. For example, supplies and equipment found in a hospital setting can be different than the one found in a client’s home. They must take the opportunity to gather information on how to utilize the supplies or equipment that may be unfamiliar. Finally, transitioning nurses must be knowledgeable about community resources. Knowledge of community resources can provide the opportunity to access and share information and help to improve the client’s quality of life (Bates et al., 2016, p.

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